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Everything posted by Basofia

  1. beast strong chip, and more for tweak is amazing.....what gases your cascade uses and what temperature does it reach load (soft number)??
  2. nice chip for oc in cascade temps...one question, how much temp u have in real load (coretemp x example)
  3. Hi pulse..how much temp in "realtemp" with this load?
  4. Resultado bugueado? Raro tirando resultado de 1500core a solo 1000
  5. 5 years 3 months and keeping WR....realy amazing
  6. Very good score for SS ... what maximum temperature do you really have on load? (measured in soft with load) my SS remains -50 in load but really the CPU has + 40 / + 50º
  7. nice score and nice chip......binned 1 from ??
  8. very strong cpu, congratz...question how much vdram u use? 2.1+?
  9. hi myt, how much temps u have in this chip in load?(evap and coretemp) R1150 in 2nd stage?
  10. Hi Brutek, can u send me specs in u cascade? (compresors power, gas, capilar used) and temp in load forma software(coretemp x example). Thx you and very nice frecuency
  11. volvemos al ruedo? espero que si, falta actividad en la argentina
  12. nice frecueny for cascade..how much stages? R1150 in 2nd? temp real in load(coretemp)
  13. hi snake, how much temp u have IN CPU with charge?(coretemp/hwinfo,etc) and how much in evaporator?
  14. -71°load? 1stage around 2hp compresor?
  15. testing cpu/mother bclk limits
  16. Nice oc and beast OC VGA version. One cuestión how much min temp OC cascade in load? 3stages?
  17. Un placer, la próxima hay que meter nl2 cpu+ SS NB y go go go
  18. Nice frecuency but, realy un "air custom"??
  19. Hi Nach, ,temps in i7 iddle and Charger? Conpresor is 1/2hp? I'm build SS butcher un kaby my temps around +40° Charge @5500
  20. How much load temp for ss cooling un this VGA?
  21. noliso, u can post SS spec or any picture from evapo and interior?
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