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Everything posted by Basofia

  1. Hi Junin, why so low frequency with ln2? any particular problem with the motherboard?
  2. Hola junin, porque tan baja frecuencia con ln2? algun problema en particular con el mother?
  3. hi monkey, how much is you max temp in "coretemp" or "hwmonitor"?? thermocupla K no is exact in"die" temp with SS, and whats spec have u SS?
  4. nice Brutek ...how much temp in coretemp (Load) my SS have -54| in external sensor but in real cpu temp have around -10/-15c with 7350k@6ghz
  5. jajajaj , very likely, but in the oc world everything is possible
  6. very nice oc pulse....gpu is cooled by Cascade or chilled?
  7. CB R15 and wprime1024 not more GL? or temporal bug? some post for this?
  8. very strong gpu, congratz 9980xe or 10980xe ??
  9. nacho, te falta la benchmate que es requisito para ryzen, te van a romper los huevos
  10. not, only stock cooler, i have 70cpus am2 for binning, only run @ss 2 or 3
  11. excellent result, but remember never to cover the render screen
  12. very nice submit, 2 questions ...how much temps (real temps,not evap) and is nb an exclusive SS or 1st stage of the cascade?
  13. this was just a test session to know the limit of ocp / ovp of the vga, next month we will see how it scales with ln2 and the new "homemade" gpu pot
  14. wtf with this result?? not oc, mobile cpu, not dual channel memory, not s.o optimised ....10gen > 7gen@6.3ghz?
  15. Perfect leeg, close topic and very thx for u time
  16. https://hwbot.org/submission/575039_tasos_superpi___1m_pentium_4_3.2ghz_(prescott)_25sec_990ms is correct screenshot without 1/2 screen of cpuz, no memory tab and writed superpi code for show hard info? i report 15 days ago and not receive response.. (sorry my spanish-english mix)
  17. Amazing frecuency...breaking 6 and 6.1ghz
  18. hi pulse, u have temps in load wth soft(coretempe, reltemp,etc) +0º?
  19. how much real temp in load?(coretemp,realtemp,etc)
  20. nice score with 8.1 ...how much real temp in load? (in soft with coretemp for example) +0º??
  21. no puedo borrar los 4 o 5 registros que quedaron sin fecha sin querer, les deshabilitelos pts para que no afecte a la liga 2020, si pueden borrarlos desde alla u orientarme como hacerlos, con gusto los elimino
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