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Everything posted by Dreadlockyx

  1. Seems like it's dead. Last time I was angry toward a computer, I made the HDD a headcrash (laptop, the same one as in my first post) and now it's always slow.
  2. Let's share our collection of broken hardware ! Me first: http://s4.noelshack.com/old/up/wp_000207-7f12225935.jpg http://s4.noelshack.com/old/up/wp_000208-ed555f2130.jpg Poor laptop...
  3. Nice tracks you got there.
  4. This is... I can't even explain.
  5. When was that achieved ? I missed something really important.
  6. http://s4.noelshack.com/old/up/amd-f811c8c640.png Makes me want to kill everybody !
  7. I'd rather die than try 40L container.
  8. I should try, but without mobo I think it will be hard.
  9. I think we're all a little bit crazy in Switzerland. Best flooding method ever.
  10. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/380825_279769198729631_100000896583175_858833_462672814_n.jpg 15yo and already crazy.
  11. Thanks Strat ! It was like a dream that came true, after so much time watching poeple doing it. It was so cool to bench at school, and thanks to my teacher for LN2 as said by Strat. Thanks again, Strategos San. x)
  12. Why can't they make software that work ?! Even K10STAT doesn't work...
  13. Hi guys ! I recently opened up my own blog about video games and IT and I wrote an article about Windows 7/8, comparing performance (games, system, etc). Check it out: http://bionicgaming.com/. Thanks ! Dreadlockyx
  14. Holy sh-t. Awesome !
  15. Hi guys ! As you've maybe noticed I wasn't really doing overclocking or anything related to it as my exams were coming soon (April 2011). Now that the summer holidays are over for me, I just remembered that I still didn't finish the french translation file. I'm really sorry about that; I apologize. I totally forgot about it and as I wasn't even on HWBot sometimes I didn't continue the translation... But now it's done and I'm sorry for the very big delay I caused. It was my responsibility to do the work I proposed myself to and I failed. I assume the consequences. As we say in French: "Mieux vaut tard que jamais." or "Better late than never.". I hope you guys understand me and won't be too upset about this. Alright, the finished .txt file is attached and I hope it will work despite the fact that Rev4 came out. BTW, well done with the brand new features Rev4 added. I like it ! Have a nice day, Dreadlockyx
  16. Thanks guys !
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