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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. What I mean is, you still have to arrange the GPUz/CPUz windows manually, you can cover things I expect. Unless the wrapper got a lot snazzier since I last looked anyway.
  2. "Should"? certainly. "Are"? Questionable.
  3. Lol, a screenshot certainly. I expect someone could manage to put an invalid one into it Thanks for the answers!
  4. I love this benchmark. Having to pay for anything but 576p is annoying though. (Annoyed at allbenchmark, not you massman. Happy with you for using this benchmark!)
  5. Rb, you have a hard time getting obscure HW, don't you? Somebody has to bench it first. Currently there isn't much value in being the second or third or fourth person person to bench HW, categories tend to stay empty. With points ramping up quickly that may change, suddenly it's actually worth fighting for small ranking cups. One of the most entertaining OC battles I've had was with TATaR1N in the 6800 256mb class. Not, by any means, a well populated arena. But it was lots of fun, with rebenching going back and forth and backups and such. And I could do it, because it didn't require a $1k GPU and a $100 power board and a $50 control box and binning half a million CPUs. Anybody feel like going back to R2? I don't.
  6. I fully support this change. I'm very happy to see it happen.
  7. Bobnova

    The Fail

    Debatable. The first 7970 OCP mods didn't kill GPUs if you just looked at pictures.
  8. That include Heaven?
  9. XTU too I guess. 2x WR has no SS. #2 4x has no SS. Most of them have no SS.
  10. Doesn't seem hard to me to count pixels and get it centered with ES removed.
  11. Thought I was. XTU's system info page says I'm on 4.0.iforget. I'll update and report back tomorrow.
  12. Consider the result in the link he gave! That's a crapload of points for $1k. Probably a better $/point ratio than you could manage using that $1k for other hardware.
  13. No benchmark options here, 3770k+biostar tz77xe4. OCing with it works though.
  14. Bobnova


    That six months was glorious. I enjoyed it. Thanks for your dedication! Hope you didn't get a speeding ticket. 2x legal speed here you're landing in jail for a bit if the cops catch up.
  15. Bobnova


    Wouldn't be HWBot if it didn't break the moment there wasn't anybody around to fix it
  16. So moose, how would you "fix" it? Lay out some enforceable rules for us that you think would solve the problem.
  17. You seem to be under the impression that IMOG is sponsored. That would be incorrect. Life is not fair, moose. It never has been and it never will be. Here's an idea: Instead of bitching and moaning constantly, think up a better way of doing it and lay it out for us.
  18. Haswell has been specified for round two since the beginning. That's how I read it, anyway.
  19. I second (fourth, 12th, 200th, whatever) this suggestion!
  20. Reminds me of P55 and bclk Hell of a score, very nice!
  21. If it makes you feel better the American Edition would have a lurid color scheme, a high price in "four easy payments", and require that you purchase insurance that is labeled as "Motherboard insurance" but actually only covers someone else (not you, mind) cutting themselves on the header pins.
  22. Yeah, because that's what MSI will give people for the final
  23. Capacitor capacitance goes down with temperature, it's possible that the little 0.1µF coupling caps drop enough that the signals don't last long enough to transfer. If they're on the board for Haswell you could try replacing them and see what happens
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