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Everything posted by GunGod

  1. lololo
  2. I mean that if i win 3 stages and screw on 2 there is chance someone to get lucky with adding/removing poor scores and to be 4 or more times 6-th or 11-th and he may win the competition. So at the end the winner will be not the best overclocker with best results it will be the most sneaky and tricky one. This is overclocking community not advanced school, point are rewarded by our oc achievements not sneaky tactics. It will be a "cold war" not competition. But it is up to us after all, if someone not like conditions may not join it.
  3. U call this background ? Its a pic of Massman clonings! p.p. I don't like the concept. Not agreed some1 tricky to win with lower score. It ruin the purpose of best tweaked and highest score to win. -1
  4. Unfortunately yes, till now it is only with Gigabyte boards. I think it is bios related, and it lower automaticaly the mem freq. according ucore ratio specification. Ill try get mobo and prove it I dont want to be in ur place atm
  5. @ Raul ---> LOL im not a DOG b;tch!
  6. Something is not ok for sure! But i don't have GB mobo to test it and i start to think that some ppl have the rights to be upset. Found something similar again with gigabyte board here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2212344_thl_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1521_mhz
  7. wtf Why Russia dont have results ?? What going on bros ? Gratz to Greece and Poland, good runs guys!!!
  8. CNN Breaking NEWS! Power surge in Russia, there is no internet also.
  9. If this is the backup i want to see the Max Damage run Well done mate cheers!
  10. Gratz! is this A780GM-LE ?
  11. c'mon it is OBVIOUS that Poland And Russia cheat!!! block them and give us the lead p.s. Well done guys gratz! See you in front of Belgium' s heaven Stronghold
  12. Do u watch CNN ? There will be no internet in Russia for 3 hours
  13. wtf i got error "recepint account is already full, plese sent to another one" ?!? c'mon mate buy something cuz Stage IV is almost over
  14. Example: default : http://hwbot.org/submission/2224442_gungod_ucbench_2011_core_i5_680_582.9_mpt_score Only SSSE3 : http://hwbot.org/submission/2224444_gungod_ucbench_2011_core_i5_680_600_mpt_score?recalculate=true Just notice this on other submissions
  15. Looks like some use only SSSE3 instructions for UCBENCH and score is still validated on anrieff.net. This help get some more mhz and test runs very fast is this allowed ? or we should run test with def. settings ?
  16. Only in ur dream dude rofl
  17. I think rules r 2 "easy" for Holidays and because of this lot of ppl will participate .... altleast Belguim. Now serious, this competition will not acumulate more ppl with current rules.
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