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Everything posted by GunGod

  1. Well done Hellas, nice setups! BTW i finally get answer whats wrong with my setups, PCI Diagnostic board showed "In front of monitor device: bad checksum"
  2. Are u sure u have it ? Edit: Can i suggest rule for stage 4 "At least 1% overclock of GPU"
  3. First i had same with Arock Extreme 4 and RMA the mobo, after testing with their CPU they replaced the mobo so i think its mobo isue but now i dont thinks so. The one that amaze me is why they replaced the mobo ? Is CPU damaged smthng in it ? BTW Asrock was the first mobo i put my 4960X and at the begining it work with NV cards at slot 1. The issue started when i changed cards. No high voltages no LN2, water cooled.
  4. Noticed that mine 4960X cant work with any Nvidia cards in first PCI-E slot x16. In second PCI-E x16 slot it works. Strange is that ATI cards work in both but at first runs at x8 not x16, if two cards are nstaled in slots x16 one and two first card runs at x8 and second at x16. This is with Rampage IV Black with latest bios. I tryed 4930K and all NV or ATI cards run normal. Any ideas why or its CPU itself ? Setting Gen 1 to 3 for slots dont help.
  5. Well done ausie, masive leading!
  6. Anyone with sub4way teaser? Dont be shy
  7. Yes we all do. I wont comment more of this if pll enjoy it this way comunity is more important!
  8. No reason ?!? you showing me example with general rules when same rules says very simple that 1.0 is not alowed and you admit u never know this calling this minor mistake. So it looks like rules apply only for me and all ppl that follow em and not for you and other that dont that elaphant$hit!
  9. Not seen the point changing rules because ppl dont read them, what else we can ignore and expect in future ?
  10. Nope i notice this just before copmpetition ends while i was trying improve my performance. If i noticed this early i should warn ya for sure. About top scores you are wrong again, our team wont have any benefits from this cuz we know more than 2 weeks ago that we will not have result with 3rd card (GTX 670) and stage is lost. I mention reason why futuremark make 1.1 not why 1.0 is not allowed on hwbot, after all rules are for all even if you not know them or i am wrong again ?
  11. Yep you are right it was just after i read this: http://www.futuremark.com/downloads/3DMark_Technical_Guide.pdf No hard feelings bro, look page 21 for details. Briefly 1.0 has issues exactly using multiple gpu's.
  12. Q: How many JR's are needed to get one golden cup ?
  13. Very useful for pretesting but got some questions "Main files (required)" what are this required files and why we need em after install process? "UCBench will be run with Admin rights" - What else we had to know for the way others apps run cuz then you can also add "Ultimate 100% gold giving PI32 system tweaks" option ?
  14. wow! is it start from first time or u use a voodoo tech ?
  15. I can confirm! Good catch Coolfx
  16. Muahahaha (very evil lough) you hear it ? Almost forgot 2 10x 2 HWBOT staff (keep up the good work) and all the manufacturers for cool prizes
  17. Gratz for winers and all participants. And remember i'll be back!
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