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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. How much money, let me rephrase it, red money do you think is involved Bazx ? Think you need to rethink it... Weren't you the guy from the MSI F1 OC team ? Did you sell out then ?
  2. The proposed team ranking will be a best off what your team can do... Which is sometimes a more honest reflection then what we are seeing now Christopher SOFius. Ofcourse it's not only about hardware sharing. But an example of the state we are in : I even see hardware sharing between different teams, just check out the TOP 6 in the ATI Radeon 4290 scores for 3Dmark06... backgrounds, icons, hardware matches... hell even some dates ; Sorry but this kindda crap has to end. But where does the Hwbot staff start ? I'm glad I'm not in their position, as it will be pretty hard to get everybody's brain dialed in... So what did motivate you to be in Hellas team ? To be in the top 3 ? To contribute ? Or to learn stuff and have fun ? Seems you forgot the FUN factor a while ago man... it's a freaking hobby not a way of life !!
  3. Before you give a team a chance HWbot has to get some sort of control over the dirty ones... Yep it's because of the GREED of some individuals that these strict measures are upon us... But... You can perfectly bench for a team and up your Hardware points, learn stuff and make a lot of new friends. Sorry mate but them 2 points ain't gonna make much difference do they ? If you have a good team spirit, they all will be happy you are on the team, contributing or not... Let me tell you I started solo, then benched with I4 memory team ( as I was a spammer on their forum) I learned some cool stuff from big shots like Dino, Eva2000 and co (no not from Angelo ). Then I wanted to move up and wanted to go subzero as I was stuck with my watercooled setups. I found my home at the OC Team BE, not because they were highly ranked, but just that the persons in the team could teach me a lot and were living in my country. Secondly they were nice blokes too ( ugly like me, but nice ) Now I haven't contributed much to the team total, as I always work with 2-3 points, but they don't care. It's all about the Spirit of OCing... and I bench whatever I can get my hands on : low end GPU/CPU's, laptops, whatever it will be... It's exploring the hardware that makes it fun for me... the points are just a bonus... Seems everybody lost the concept and just benches to be in top position... Why don't you continue to improve yourself. At one day you will have to ditch watercooling or such to contribute more points to your team... This is called evolution or progression...And even if it doesn't contribute to the team, then it still should be fun !!! Don't give up on it yet, see how it evolves... believe me it won't destroy the scene. With some refinements it will only make it more competitive...
  4. How about being a pain in the B U T T. Zero constructive items to be discovered in his last posts. I only read accusations concerning money. This directed to a person that spends more than 12 hours a day working for a fee you won't come out of the door for !!! Either you try to make it better and stop nagging about subjects that got zero to do with OC'ing. If you think they sold out, leave the room. I'll be happy to show you the exit and don't come back no more... I'll be here with my meazle hardware points for my TEAM. Globals I have not much too give... who freaking cares... as long as you have fun... If you drop out for a new change, I wonder how are you ever gonna deal with real life ? Analysing stuff, with my one braincell it seems OCing is a full time for job for some. GET A GRIP !!
  5. For the hardware points ? Individual User rankings ? heck for the fun of it....
  6. If the CPU is not under cold, how many points would that submission now contibute to the team total This ain't gonna be earthshattering will it ? Is the only way to contribute to the team, expressed in points ? Where's friendship, sharing experiences and co... Everybody here seems to bench for only for the team points, not for the fun of it... I can't nor will afford to put my expensive GPU's under cold. Too bad for my team maybe, but that's how it is... My contributions have always been in hardware points, nothing more nothing less... Think your view over this new Rev is a bit too narrow minded...
  7. Just to work out general stuf Bill, then it's up to the Team captain to distribute the gathered info back to the team members. Then feedback back to the HWbot staff. Just as it works in real life... Thing is the thread get's derailed far too quick by some... (intentional or not)
  8. Dunno If you are adressing to one of my posts... FYI : I never said the hardware was shared, I just mentioned they had several scores that gave them a big boost (till everyone else started benching GTX 480 cards too... ) and easily asswhooped us in the rankings... I kindda like your thoughts behind topic 4 in ya post. Plus maybe indeed it's better to have a private forum for Team Captains and the Staff to work out things more in a more relaxed private environment...
  9. I think you never read or understood the rules. It's due to this sharing attitude that we are now ending up with a pilestack of new rules. And now you start to complain ? (I only quoted this post, your other post is even more obvious of rule violation) I hope they can work out the coding and give us a preview of what's gonna really happen. Think many will see the light through the trees... I doubt it's as black and white as some think... What's the difference, you are saying twice the same... so you all gather hardware. And then send it off to another user to bench with it for the team ? If I may be so inpolite to ask :Who get's the credit ?
  10. I just state that as an example Kenny... I've witnessed team(s) with a lot of GTX480/5870 scores just rocketing into the top 20... why ? coz they have the toys... I might have badly expressed myself with calling the top teams... ( to me that that's top 15 lol ) it seems I've hit a few nerves there Your scores will still be on top Kenny in Rev4, Also for your team. But for future team purposes you just have to approach it in another way. See which member has got which card and what's he planning to do with it... Maybe you got the same card, a better one and can improve on his scores. For individual purpopes just continue what you are doing right now... Why is that ? You still get mucho points for it, the team however will only benefit from the best score on that particular hardware... With this reply, you are proving my previous claims exactly. Don't you get it ? you will never have your sexual fantasies fulfilled Marc, you sicko !!
  11. Ow boy, here we go again... So many negative thoughts again, feels like a rev 3 revisited. Everybody was digusted then and wickedly enough most are happy now and are living with it. Explain me how eg a team with only 5 members can ever achieve anything ( even though all bench on LN2 ? ) The teams with the most members, messing with the high end hardware are always on top... Don't talk about benching solely for the team... some are holier then the pope here lol. Being in a team is sharing ideas, if possible bench together, learn form eachother... Whatever you do, you'll always contribute to the team and people will appreciate your efforts. Contributing is not only expressed in points lads... I do NOT agree with all the new stuff Rev 4 brings, but I think it will bring the teams closer, thus the rankings will get more competitive... If Rev4 sees the daylight, it's not anymore who's got the most members with a GTX480 or sortlike superexpensive hardware. Being it shared or not... Rev3 already made a lot of people hunt Ebay and co for older generation cards/CPU's. Far less expensive, still some solid points for the team and individual rankings. And still OC'ing at a high fun level... I agree with Chew on the new competiviness it will bring. The new user rankings might be fun to watch too. And yes it will motivate people to continu benching. How would you feel if you only got a H2O setup to compete with the LN2 crazy benchers out there... So as devoted as some sound, you still quit just like that... darn you are very good TEAM member to have onboard... Just wait how it will develop, I think some brains have already had many sleepless nites due to this new Rev... and I don't think they will do it to fill their own pockets... Just give it a chance...
  12. Kenny what's the difference with the current rev or the upcoming rev4 regarding LN2 or other extreme cooling ? If you don't put the CPU and or GPU on Phase, Dice or LN2 you will normally not be in top 10 for that particular hardware... Only change is indeed that the user points remain...Though team points yes will be influenced. Look at it from another perspective : If one user benches the card(s) on LN2 the whole team will benefit. Most clockers start out with Air/water. If they are keeping interest high, they might explore more exotic cooling. This new rule no longer requires a zillion of GTX480 scores to get the team up high... and it's a great way to avoid the shameless hardware sharing we have seen so often. If you want to be high on the individual ranking board Cascade or LN2 is the only way to go... this is really not new is it ? But with the new ambient cooling rankings it will become more interesting for the newcomers or diehard ambient clockers... It's all about the fun, don't forget that... each entry counts, it being 100 points or 0.1 points
  13. Dude stop right here : you are making the new breed of overclockers lazy... We (the old farts) needed weeks/months/years of research to get some stuff done. And now you guys distribute it in one tool... just clock and run ! !! LAZY GITS GET OFF YOUR ASSES !! (not directed at you MT )
  14. Point of View : GTX460 192bit version G104 = 0E22-06FF DEV_0E22 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460" Big thanks to sir PepperAss
  15. Booting 2000CL7 was eays peasy. Running 3D too, but 32M remained epic fail. Feeding 1.7Vdimm on the GTX2 kit to stabilise test 5 in memtest, any lower and it would spew errors in Test 5 and 7.... Thuban's IMC is far superior, but 2000mhz efficiency is not as good as it looks on the CH IV... Try to pushing 1800-1900C6, a far better sweetspot... Loving to test the new PCB rev of the UD7, apparently it clocks pretty good too with the Gskill Flare kit...
  16. So you start a thread to remove our results, as you can't submit with your other cards ? Nice way of putting things... NOT
  17. Lol Bill, kill some Nicks on ya fav Battlefield server Congratz lads !!
  18. Videos directed by a 5 year old ? Lack of inspiration there think they ran out of budget for the special effects
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