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Everything posted by Billy-The-Kid

  1. Why i don´t have this achivement: http://hwbot.org/achievement/905_ Best regard´s to all overclocker´s Francisco Parelho
  2. 2700k L046c072-a1205 : 54x L046c072-a0937 : 52x L046c072-a0779 : 53x
  3. Very nice cpu and score!! Congrat´s mate!
  4. Thanks!! The Rank achievements don´t work?
  5. Where is my wr point´s? http://hwbot.org/submission/2214915_billy_the_kid_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_580_137256_marks
  6. To me you are the person with more efficiently on 2001 with this platform.... I am waiting for gpu on ln2 and establish new wr! Very good job
  7. Your score is very good!! And you find the CL boost on my run I can´t find it...
  8. Do not know if I've reported this problem but this menu is not working
  9. Howwww.... this chip deserve SLI MSI 275 Lightning, and 3DMark01 SE!!!!
  10. Hello everybody! This benchmarl program has already served wiht benchmark qualifier and evaluation in several contests and give recognition on the world of overcloking! But there exist the the bug of latency..... In my opinion should only be assigned points based on the values ​​of reading, to avoid this bug! And I think all the overclockers on this community already ran this so that more than time to be recognized as such!
  11. Hell done!!! RAM Speed : 906.4 MHz (3:10) @ 2-16-2-22
  12. So you can add 500mhz with pll on.... i don´t know if is for all cpu´s but for all I teste is normal this (arround 20)!
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