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Everything posted by Billy-The-Kid

  1. Yap great chip... with a good bbse and good tweaks you break the wr from superpi 32m
  2. I've done testing with the m-power and he don´t have the same performance of asus mve or asrock OCF, but be careful because with the voltages you use the cpu will quickly stop making these clock's!
  3. John Lam profile: Mad222 - John Lam Banned from HKEPC OC Lab So... what´s hapen on the end??
  4. Riska - If you run 3d cross fire you will see on the end you can´t open gpu-z there are some kind of bug... but you can see on validation score the number of card a use and on after burner the clock´s PS: Thanks
  5. Solved!!!
  6. Good work vince!!! And we can´t forget you never use the 7970
  7. http://hwbot.org/submission/2303203_rbuass_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_680_49937_marks/
  8. I think the most important thing to know is "the msi will give flash to be able to have decent scores on this contest (one single gpu) or will be full of miserable scores?" And even now if yes when ... on the last day to only few user can use it .... after scores of qualifier HWBOT where there was followed record hit each other ... and will now leave what you are watching!!
  9. Good people come here then leave what has happened to me! First was using a GD80, and when it came to -85 had colbug, as one would expect to be using 100 BCLK, if a use more BCLK have i lost performance, but still tested with the 106 BCLK, i hafve coldbug free would expect but the system freezes into the windows, and the few times that enters is in slow mode! (I tested this with two different CPU's) Thinking it would be the baord, because I'd never used in cold, I sold the GD80 and bought GD65 that had already been mine and I knew that worked well with cold! And it happens just the same ... So i chose to use -85 100 BCLK and i can run at 5800mhz ... have more perfomance then run with bclk at 6000mhz ... So far so good the problem and use the graphics in the cold it´s more harder... so i have cooldboot to windos at -30, for not speak everity time he goes donw over -70 need to do clear cmos and set all again... and few are the times that I can go over -60 without artifacts... bench for 1750 need to walk in the -110 ... Worst of all, and I have the best score in 1650 better then 1700 or 1750 ... to complete a run to 1650 had to spend more than 75L, to get pass the test without physx freaz with artifacts and getting through -60 before starting to run the benchmark... I'm so tired and unmotivated having spent so many hours on it and just have a miserable run of 14200point's ... It´s enough to win the 2 week... only one ssd 90gb I already tested the 1500 flash, already forced to use 2d mode and overclocking it but it is the same and miss performance... To me it´s done...
  10. With gd80 i have the same problem now i,m fighting with gd65 same problem to..... and not only the problem from cpu the card.... is not easy....
  11. Dificulte on boot to windwos with some bclk and red screen, artefact´s when pass colboot temp, etc etc....
  12. i,m asking it because i already run the card at 1750mhz, and in my case i have mutch more problem to solve then the limite... my sistem it´s very very instable! You don´t have any problem to run 680lightning under ln2, and cpu pushed? Good score at 1750 will be arround 15k
  13. Excuse me this question ... but you guys can bench on ln2 in the limit of the ln2 bios? And get good scores at this limit?
  14. I already try.. and yes the voltage it´s set, but 2d mode with the same clock of 3dmode have low score (-200 point´s on 3dmark2011)!
  15. I have test 2.2.3 extreme on cold and easy you can have the 1750mhz... and don´t need to mutch voltage... the proble is you can´t up more then 1750mhz on afterburner (limite +550), so all we need for now is one flash how work with abe 2.2.3 how have default clock on 1500mhz (+550 it´s enauf)! Elmor you can tel me if the voltage set with abe only aply for 3d mode? Today i will try a diferente solution
  16. Your score isn´t so bad it´s normal for your seting´s , but try to push memorys arround 2400+
  17. When you use stock bios you have default 3d 1176mhz and you set +145, on total you have 1321mhz on 3d mode, on ln2 bios you have 1202mhz 3d mode (1000 on 2d mode), and you set +146 in total 1348mhz. If you have the afterburner open during the benchmark, you can see, on the end, the clock you have run the benchmark Sorry my bad inlgish!
  18. Try to use asus gpu tweak and see the real gpu mhz or see the core clock on msi after burner
  19. You are on air bios at 1321mhz in real, and on ln2 arround 1360mhz, so it´s normal have better score
  20. You can do the same clock with the ln2 bios and normal bios?? probaly not
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