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Everything posted by Billy-The-Kid

  1. How.... very good score but bad luck only 2 point´s!!
  2. First of all congratulations to the winners! It was good to see all these great scores! This platform and quite funny to bench! I hope more luck on next time... Thanks to the support provided by asrock! Anyone try use bbse mem´s very thight??
  3. Come on mate, I know you will get the big score!
  4. The amd must love these contests, that is good for disposing the A10 5800K stock! I already buy
  5. Lol we now.... http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2631337
  6. Yap!! Your score on pi32m it´s crazy very very good job!!
  7. I,m wayting to have ln2 again to test it.... i hope this one don´t die easy
  8. Thanks ppl! Yap i have the same dub but when i test it at high clock´s i see the diferençe on last game it´s a good boost! And is possible the 52244 with diferente combinations of frames.... lol http://www.3dmark.com/3dm05/5472505 http://www.3dmark.com/3dm05/5472507
  9. I don´t belive will have the best score but have arround the already posted....
  10. My 580 score! 52060 http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/5020/52060.jpg
  11. Belive on it i have the two card´s and this score are all true...
  12. It's better for everyone if we use wallpaper... I like healthy competition and it´s good to win performance for the big run on cold!
  13. I,m not speaking about you i already have old scores to... i speak about all ppl
  14. That´s not better use wallpaper?? Because some ppl have the score done on xs contest (5g superpi32m)
  15. Normaly this hapen when ram is not coorect tuning! Good card!!
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