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Dead Things

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Everything posted by Dead Things

  1. Congrats to all teams! Way to bench!
  2. While the score may appear bugged, the user can clearly replicate it quite readily. Is there evidence of a cheat, inadvertent though it may be? If not, then, I can't see any legitimate argument in favour of blocking the result. Except, of course, "you beat a lot of Guyz." lol
  3. That's an excellent point. I had been on side with Method 2 throughout the whole thread until ZL1's post, and suddenly I'm 100% convinced Method 1 would be better. With Method 2, bassplayer would receive the same 2nd place points for tying the existing score as he would if he beat it. There should be some degree of reward/incentive for beating an existing score. And now that I'm thinking this way, here's some mental diarrhea... One of the problems with NHL hockey is that some games are worth a combined 3 points (ones that go to overtime) while others are only worth a combined 2 points in the standings (ones settled in regulation time). This intrinsically suggests that closer games are 'more important' than games in which one team is clearly better than the other. The result of this imbalance is that at the end of the season teams are bunched together in the standings, providing less separation between better and worse teams than there would be if all games were worth three points like in soccer or two points like pre-Bettman hockey. In the case of hockey, it's exciting because any team - no matter how good or bad they may be in real life - has a legitimate chance of making the playoffs. And this creates excitement among fans, which is likely the only reason why the broken and imbalanced points system has never been addressed. This relates to the current question because as you get farther down the leaderboard, ties abound in significant quantities for most benchmarks - particularly on the CPU side of things. Method 2 would add quite a large sum of points to the system that previously did not exist. Based on the NHL experience, my concern then is that Method 2 would break the points system by creating an imbalance that would generate greater rewards for mediocre results and lesser rewards for superior results. But hey - like I said, that's just mental diarrhea while I procrastinate at work. Maybe the NHL example has no bearing on this case. Either way, I still feel like there should be a greater reward for beating an existing score than there is for tying it.
  4. "4th out of 861" - I prefer "tied for 2nd" Very nice run!
  5. Thanks & no sweat. Will you also be adding it to SC1 and SC2?
  6. Wondering if there has been any thought given to my *polite* request as of yet?
  7. Polite request: Can Xeon E5645 be added to Stage 8? It's the only hexcore Westmere-EP Xeon from 2010 not on the list. Launch price was consistent with that of the i7 970, making it equally "high-end." Thanks for your consideration! edit - And to Stage 11 of the SPi 1M comp / Stage 6 of the 3DM03 comp?
  8. It appears there's a bug with the Pifast submit format using the SuperPi submit format instead, i.e., hrs-min-sec.xxx instead of sec.xx.
  9. Oops - sorry. Haven't been keeping up with the latest PCM05 melodrama, I'm afraid. These runs were done about six months ago. Deleted.
  10. How to submit SPi1 and SPi32 scores over 1 min now that the entry form is in seconds only? I've got a 20-hour score I'd like to submit and I'd really rather not have to break out the ol' calculator.
  11. Ticket ID: 1636 Priority: Low The FIC VA-503+ is a Super Socket 7 motherboard using the VIA MVP3 chipset. See here for more info: http://www.anandtech.com/show/152. Thanks!
  12. Easy comments If it's so easy, why haven't you done it?
  13. Ticket ID: 1594 Priority: Low Please add Supermicro H8QGi for AMD 4P G34. You might also like to take the opportunity while you're at it to add the H8QG6 and H8QGL boards too... http://www.supermicro.com/Aplus/motherboard/Opteron6000/ Thanks!
  14. Ticket ID: 1582 Priority: Low Please and thank you! http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Opteron%206234.html ...and... http://products.amd.com/en-us/OpteronCPUDetail.aspx?id=763&f1=AMD+Opteron%E2%84%A2+6200+Series+Processor&f2=&f3=Yes&f4=&f5=&f6=G34&f7=B2&f8=32nm&f9=&f10=6400&f11=&
  15. Most outstanding! Those 4P SB-E rigs can really haul! Which mainboard?
  16. Ticket ID: 1581 Priority: Low Please add the 8-core E7-8837 and then change this submission accordingly so that it can be classified under the correct processor with the correct number of cores: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2253860_preacherman_wprime_1024m_4x_xeon_e7_8850_47sec_878ms Processor specs: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20E7-8837.html http://ark.intel.com/products/53576/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E7-8837-%2824M-Cache-2_66-GHz-6_40-GTs-Intel-QPI%29 Thanks!
  17. Thanks again Turrican. Ditto for the IBM-branded 6x86's too, eh?
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