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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. ^^ sure ... - oh- wait! - you're not on my team for this are you?! absolutely not does it count!!
  2. I plan to try a few pcm7 runs this next week. correction - week after next
  3. Well done - great clocks, great run! Since you are top 20, please post your futuremark link.
  4. Thanks guys! Mr Cnzdrn - very little gain in W7x64, maybe just in vista?
  5. I am totaly confused which is my usual - normal state actually. There is points received for each stage in country cup (see my competition points) but in the December challenge - only after the stage closes?
  6. ^^ Much thanks, looks like overall - Semprons might be a little faster in pcm05 than the Pentiums.
  7. Are competition points updating for submissions to this? One point per stage?
  8. I think low virus scan is due to 4 threads of work trying to run on only 2 threads available. Its worse on the semprons - only 1 thread available. regarding transparent windows - i see the same problem - i don't have a theory for this one - obviously throwing more clocks and higher mem bw helps but still its not scoring as high as it should be. With 64 bit OS - it can be really bad - for multithread test 2 I get huge numbers for the 1st score but the 2nd is like 0.9.
  9. ^^ so for example - even if it is an old 8800GTX ES - it should not be allowed in non-pro?
  10. Pro league was/is a great idea, it needs to continue for those that don't have to pay for h/w. ES is a different issue but probably needs to stay in pro league when it is new or current state of the art. Christian mentioned recently - is this true for all ES? - ES in the non-pro leagues is ok provided it is not current/latest product - I think this is a good idea.
  11. Yes very nice clock! You think your score for this lacks a little efficiency?
  12. 5870 engineering sample is ok for this isn't it? OK to use 5870 ES even though not pro?
  13. Also - here - you need to show xpstartup below 220, also since top 20 you need to show a futuremark link.
  14. Where is your XP start up below 220? If this is not bugged - 1389 HD general use would be a new record! Also need futuremark link for top 20.
  15. Thanks guys - yes playing against the dual chip intel set ups - I wasn't sure I could get there.
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