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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. 2Gb D9GMH modules don't exist (in non-ECC variant), that's why value RAM clocks better with 4-4-4
  2. hwbot is a non-profit organisation?
  3. so when the rev4 is actually coming, Pieter ?
  4. is that real Vcore or you're overdoing it with Vtt ?
  5. gotta love the board marketing via cherry CPUs...
  6. I'll use that picture of Karl and hang it on the wall next time when I grind some hardware points
  7. Guys, can you just stop arguing over what generally is a very old problem ? As an objective observer (well, sort of) I find both "guilty" and "innocent" scenarios equally possible as I don't see any argument or proof which leaves absolutely no (ZERO!) chance of the contrary having happened or not happened. As it was already discussed on this site, there are two ways to stop such threads from being created - one is to implement software SN detection (not going to happen), second is to make worse score of the two/three similar ones bring less points than it should (IS going to happen with rev4 very soon).
  8. does the pre-testing on safe/default clocks count as well? CPU / VGA differ a lot too
  9. lots of artifacts, but a nice score ... beats my 119k backup
  10. is it my card ? gpu 940/1.32V on water looks really strong
  11. when will an SLI score follow ? also, does GTX285@1100 give better 01 scores than 275@1300 ?
  12. very nice chip there, 300MHz better than mine on LN2, lol what's the batch ?
  13. I think we've already discussed that it's a difficult thing to measure hence we use the current scoring system, no ?
  14. Chiller, current score algorythm awards points mostly based on "how much people you beat" rather than "how good your score is" hence multi-CPU systems score low since not much people have them.
  15. this makes such a nice base for lots of marketing CPU-Z validations
  16. TaPaKaH

    Raja@ASUS :)

    I wonder why it took so long ... with his knowledge, Rajinder could have found a nice job at some vendor ages ago.
  17. TaPaKaH


    ever wondered why noone has ever shown any successfully unHSed pics of STT ?
  18. to be honest, I think that this effect is based more on hype/marketing than actually making a perfect overclocking motherboard BlackOps - I had an ES board (from the QF programme). Works well only with a QX9650 when raw CPU freq is needed. Overclocking with other CPU models / efficency / FSB+memory clocking was rather poor, definitely not a multi-purpose board like *COUGH* ASUS X38/X48-series. Classified - I had a few (owned one myself + tested a couple of others' boards at events), just couldn't see why everyone was bragging so much about it .. may be because I'm from Europe and eVGA service/availability is far from the best over here. R3E Black - didn't have one. But from the feedback I heard, it's a poinless product since it couldn't do anything a cheaper R3F wasn't capable of .. except, may be, 4-way SLI which not that much people care about.
  19. batch doesn't mean a thing
  20. don't you have a P4GD1/P4GPL-X ? and the multi on an XE chip won't go upwards ?
  21. $280 may sound like a price Gigabyte are selling the board to distributors for due to "EU magic" 1$ turns into 1€ + some profit for resellers + VAT
  22. is it the CPU I sold you ? if it is, then we've hit almost exactly the same freq
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