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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. @Phil : add picture of your rig, even on air, some other overclocker are waiting deadline to report...trust me . Sadly I learn how it works this years. So keep your picture + add other one to be 100% sure. for me it already good, but to avoid any complaint...
  2. For my 1st love, JON : Wouhouuu sempron 150 WR
  3. Don't need to share when you have 5 chip
  4. Happy for you bro And your Pifast at 6.4+ is nice too
  5. Of course... 4core 8thread. d0minat0r : Yes, barbonenet buy one of the 5 4790k I have with same air result : 5x 5Ghz Wprime32M @1.3/1.32v on water cooling -> 3 of them was test under LN2 -> same frequency -> 2 of them are not test under cold yet, but same batch so I expect same scaling. Worst CPU of this batch is 4.7G wp32m @1.3v , but already sale... lot of guys try to find 4.5Ghz cpu with low price, and don't need gem.
  6. on 4770k, don't know, only bin at 1.3v For 4790k, wprime32M on windows XP @5Ghz for 1.3/1.32v
  7. "Agreed a temp rule might have to be implemented" : Higher than -271°C , that's THE rule
  8. You're probably right newlife ... I don't sleep enough these day, and I'm a bit irritable BUT IT'S MASSMAN FAULT , too much contest in summer The fact : Every time, "looser" said he cheat, rookie rumble, rookie rumble again, z97 giga contest..... it's boring at the end, cause we all know, when someone said something like that, in the mind of the reader it's exactly like if he had cheat... so be carefull when you send accusation. moreover, he is french, so if you said he cheat, in reader mind, all french are cheater... trust me, it sad, but it's like that Anyway, HwBot crew will take the decision so wait and see Edit : DFORDOG : DAT CPU.... crazzzyyyy. This is a goden platinum gem+
  9. Ho, and I looked other guys screenshots....with, many guys don't add screenshot, or disable monitoring... So you trust someone without screen, without monitoring, but you said someone with all infos cheat... If he want to cheat, he better have to disable monitoring...
  10. If you can't beat them, discredit them.... look fair enough ?
  11. Newlife, read correctly the chart the 2nd is ONLY 53°C , not 96°C... at the and of the benchmark... The left value (green) show the T° depending of the mousse position in the chart. In #2 screen, it's 1seconde before the end of the benchmark, and it show 53°C In #1 screen, it's 67°C... so 14° higher than #2. So if #2 is at 10°C , then at 20°c you will have something like 10°c more . Moreover, NvidiaForever CPU HIS is removed. I'm not a judge, so I'm not tell screen is legit or not, I just give you some key Edit : add picture in attachment : Red circle show T° at the end of the benchmark in both case. Blue circle show ??? nothing To display 96°C, just stop your water cooling pump in IDLE and wait T° increase.... then XTU keep the value as a maximum. Then start your WC pump, wait for low T° and run benchmark... So this value is bu**sh**, don't look at it
  12. never test 3D only test superpi and wprime
  13. i will add on other 4790K 1.3v 5G wp32 WC 6.4 superpi1M 6.2wprime32 400euros
  14. It's already like that.... read the thread, you need to show flat orange line + monitoring info...
  15. Score raised pretty fast, I like it . Nice to see submit before last hour
  16. Damn...I need to bin more... Goodjob M8
  17. Tks. PSC, stick can do higher clock, but IMC of this CPU is not strong enough, I add to push SA and IO for "only" 1355c6. And it's my best CPU (not best IMC), so If needed, I will try with better IMC, dont need good cpu for 5G, better kill 6G cpu instead of 6.4
  18. yes
  19. Ship CPU today barbonenet, give you the tracking later on PM ---- Find a better 4790k than my 4770k, so 1 4770k (see 1st page) to sell. Can give more information if needed. Price drop from 500 to 430e
  20. All settings are straight from bios.. but 0GHz
  21. Check and ok
  22. 4790K sell to BarboneNet CPU info : Test on Mpower (water cooling) Mpower MAx ( LN2) Watercooling is the one you can see on the film. No ice, no chiler... ambiant T° 24°C (approximately) . All CPU test in the same condition. LN2 test are made with EK cpu pot. I used it for bining purpose, light -> faster to cold down and to dry. ALL IS ON XP, never test seven, I need XP for AOOC. Voltage is bios setting and (voltmeter setting), for exemple 1.6v ( 1.66v) ALL IS with 4 core /8 thread , even superPi. I only used ratio ( bclk is always 100). So If I say 6.3+ it means 6.3 is easy, 6.4 didn't pass. If I say 6.3, 6.3 pass but you need to be close to CB T°, so probably hard to push 50Mhz more. **********L418C134 05xx WC : Wprime 32M 5Ghz 1.31v (1.32v) LN2 : super Pi1M 6.4GHz 1.65v (1.72v) // Vccin2.2 LN2 : Wprime32M 6.2GHz 1.6v (1.66v) // Vccin 2.2 Cache : superpi 1M 5.8GHz 1.45v (1.5v) Vid : forgot to check CB/CBB : -130. Good cpu, easy to bench. Didn't test with lower Vccin. I tried 2.4v one time, but no imporvement ( step is too big 6.4 ok , 6.5 not ok) DEAL : 400e including shipping NonsoloPizza Parma hi i'm BarboneNet Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:52 Jean-Michel Tisserand hi, how are you bro ? for the CPU, I can tell you tonight when I can ship it I just need to test my golden (air) cpu NonsoloPizza Parma 11:52 NonsoloPizza Parma fine thanks....sorry but my english is very bad Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:52 Jean-Michel Tisserand If it scale, I can send L418 tomorow Mine too don't woorie NonsoloPizza Parma 11:53 NonsoloPizza Parma okk i find another chip Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:53 Jean-Michel Tisserand if golden cpu didin't scale on cold, I have to bench pifast first nice batch ? freq ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:54 NonsoloPizza Parma l419 it can do wprime at 5ghz in 7 Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:54 Jean-Michel Tisserand Vcore ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:54 NonsoloPizza Parma at 1,36v Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:54 Jean-Michel Tisserand that's good NonsoloPizza Parma 11:54 NonsoloPizza Parma it's good??? Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:54 Jean-Michel Tisserand and on XP ? did you test? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:54 NonsoloPizza Parma isn't mine Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:55 Jean-Michel Tisserand yes, it's not bad not golden, but not bad but you have to test under cold NonsoloPizza Parma 11:55 NonsoloPizza Parma that cpu is of a guy on a normal forum...he use it on air Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:55 Jean-Michel Tisserand many 4790k are good on air, but didn't scale on cold for exemple 5G air and 6.2 superpi1M NonsoloPizza Parma 11:56 NonsoloPizza Parma ah ok...i take your Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:56 Jean-Michel Tisserand many guy have cpu like that, good or really good for air, but bad for cold this is why I bin all cpu unedr cold it take time, but you are sur if it scale or not when do you need it ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:57 NonsoloPizza Parma i don't have...... i don't know word i'm not hurry? Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:58 Jean-Michel Tisserand ok so if I ship it tomorow (if golden scale) or monday (if goldne don't scale) it's ok for you ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:58 NonsoloPizza Parma i have already my good 4770k Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:59 Jean-Michel Tisserand batch ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:59 NonsoloPizza Parma for me it's ok Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:59 Jean-Michel Tisserand 310 or 318 ? NonsoloPizza Parma 11:59 NonsoloPizza Parma 311 Jean-Michel Tisserand 11:59 Jean-Michel Tisserand hoo, lucky guy I tested 60 cpu... 4770k, no one was good NonsoloPizza Parma 11:59 NonsoloPizza Parma 6,4 on xp 3d Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:00 Jean-Michel Tisserand I play with the L418 yesteday... superPi 1M world record, Wp32 WR, WP1024 WR NonsoloPizza Parma 12:00 NonsoloPizza Parma i bow it from farjam Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:00 Jean-Michel Tisserand for 4790k hum your 4770k can do 6.4 for 3D ? NonsoloPizza Parma 12:00 NonsoloPizza Parma yes in xp Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:01 Jean-Michel Tisserand so 4790k won't be as good as your 4770k NonsoloPizza Parma 12:01 NonsoloPizza Parma 6,3 on vista Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:01 Jean-Michel Tisserand I don't think you can bench 6.4 3d with this 4790k NonsoloPizza Parma 12:01 NonsoloPizza Parma no? Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:01 Jean-Michel Tisserand No, 6.4 1M ... so 6.4 3d no your 4770k can bench 1M at 6.6 or someting like that ? NonsoloPizza Parma 12:02 NonsoloPizza Parma no arrive max at 6460 spi Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:03 Jean-Michel Tisserand really ? damn, I was thinking 1M and 3D will have bigger difference NonsoloPizza Parma 12:03 NonsoloPizza Parma for mine no Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:03 Jean-Michel Tisserand ok, so I don't know... I made only one time 3D with haswell NonsoloPizza Parma 12:04 NonsoloPizza Parma do you do spi with ht on? Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:04 Jean-Michel Tisserand Yes 4core 8 thread I tried 2core 2 thread one time but no improvmement but as I explain, I test only with ratio 6.2 then 6.3 then 6.4.... so if it's 6.38 for me it's 6.3 cause 6.3 ok, 6.4 can't pass when I say 6.3, I don't know if it's 6.30001 or 6.32 or 6.35 or 6.399 NonsoloPizza Parma 12:06 NonsoloPizza Parma for me it's ok i need backup chip Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:06 Jean-Michel Tisserand Ok, you want to use paypal ? or sepa ? NonsoloPizza Parma 12:06 NonsoloPizza Parma paypal Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:06 Jean-Michel Tisserand ok Are you ok if I copy this chat on Hwbot thread ? to have "proof" ? so you and I are cover NonsoloPizza Parma 12:08 NonsoloPizza Parma for me it's ok..no problem Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:08 Jean-Michel Tisserand perfect NonsoloPizza Parma 12:08 NonsoloPizza Parma leave me your payapal address on pm Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:08 Jean-Michel Tisserand I copy it, give you the link, and you read it. If you are ok with all, I give you my adress but read it first to be sure we are 100% agree NonsoloPizza Parma 12:09 NonsoloPizza Parma okkkkkk very thanks bro Jean-Michel Tisserand 12:10 I will add picture.... then I go back home
  23. Test on Mpower (water cooling) Mpower MAx ( LN2) Watercooling is the one you can see on the film. No ice, no chiler... ambiant T° 24°C (approximately) . All CPU test in the same condition. LN2 test are made with EK cpu pot. I used it for bining purpose, light -> faster to cold down and to dry. ALL IS ON XP, never test seven, I need XP for AOOC. Voltage is bios setting and (voltmeter setting), for exemple 1.6v ( 1.66v) ALL IS with 4 core /8 thread , even superPi. I only used ratio ( bclk is always 100). So If I say 6.3+ it means 6.3 is easy, 6.4 didn't pass. If I say 6.3, 6.3 pass but you need to be close to CB T°, so probably hard to push 50Mhz more. **********L418C134 05xx WC : Wprime 32M 5Ghz 1.31v (1.32v) LN2 : super Pi1M 6.4GHz 1.65v (1.72v) // Vccin2.2 LN2 : Wprime32M 6.2GHz 1.6v (1.66v) // Vccin 2.2 Cache : superpi 1M 5.8GHz 1.45v (1.5v) Vid : forgot to check CB/CBB : -130. Good cpu, easy to bench. Didn't test with lower Vccin. I tried 2.4v one time, but no imporvement ( step is too big 6.4 ok , 6.5 not ok) **********L420B758 09xx WC : Wprime 32M 5GHz 1.32v (1.33v) LN2 : super Pi1M 6.4GHz 1.66v (1.73v) // Vccin2.2 LN2 : Wprime32M 6.2GHz 1.6v (1.66v) // Vccin 2.2 Cache : superpi 1M 5.7GHz 1.45v (1.5v) Vid : 1.05 CB/CBB : -130. Good cpu, easy to bench. Didn't test with lower or higher Vccin. **********L420B758 17xx WC : Wprime 32M 5GHz 1.3v (1.31v) LN2 : super Pi1M 6.3+ GHz 1.65v (1.72v) // Vccin2.2 LN2 : Wprime32 6.2GHz 1.6v (1.65v) // Vccin 2.4 LN2 : Wprime1024 6.1Ghz 1.6 (1.65v) // Vccin 2.4 Cache : superpi 1M 5.7GHz 1.45v (1.5v) Vid : 0.99 CB/CBB : -135. Good cpu, hot chip (WC and LN2). Best air CPU not tested yet
  24. Strange, we all use the same program, why did it work on some rig and not on other ? XA and Perica_barii : Did you used 5.1 ? Look like it work on your system. Or it's only bug on seven ?
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