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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. In general... BUT, last time, I switch to my old OS, the one I use everyday on my computer, and I don't know why but it can boot with hight HTT.... crazy, I try 3 seven, no go, I take an old one with lot of programme... and it work. So try on other one.... or XP 64
  2. we all know EEKY made all the job.... congrats bro, monster screen
  3. As I told you, on mine it's really hard to reach hi freq on seven
  4. Probably 15-20e for EU Paypal yes, but you take fees I send with "La poste", it's the france mail delivery. I already send many CPU to italy, it take 2or3 day. The 1st CPU is normaly sold in France. I wait for confirmation before 1Pm. If still available, I let you know
  5. All is real. Bios is really different with cold 1.7 bios -> 1.78 real Further test on L315 for french guys who want to buy it, but I put information there too : 1.28v real wprime32M @4.9 watercooling (no ice, no ln2...ambiante T° above 20°C..) -> 70°C 1.4v Wprime32M @5GHZ (same condition) -> 80°C 5G superpi 1M @1.32v 5.1G superpi 1M @ 1.4 Mpower (not Mpower max, the normal), with all set in auto except : Vccin 2v / and Vcore (this information next to frequency). VRM, drop, switch frequency... auto It's the "hotest" CPU I have tested so far (6-7°c more on air) and lowest VID 0.96 on M6E, 0.98 on mpower. I will test it again on cold, it's not possible it can't go higher...
  6. Someone can submit false 38k ? I want to see 39K 8backup
  7. Already fix some "trouble", still need to fix the ones below, I did it when I go home after work : Pictures of the Items are required to start a topic. In addition you have to handwrite your HWBOT username and date on a piece of paper and place it next to the items. The date on the Post information about the estimated shipping costs - especially for international shipping. Post information about payment details. E.g.: PayPal or international bank transfer accepted. ---- Price 500e, if it's to expensive or not enough pls let me know. Picture incoming
  8. Damn, rules are everywhere !!! I look at It this afternoon
  9. I only made fast test (1M pi and 32M Wprime). Honestly, my LN2 "dealer" is on vacation for 6week. I only have only 60l, and I have to : - Make 2 reviews with motherboard on cold, - Bin 4 G3258 on cold - Bin 7 new 4770K on cold - Run R9 290x for MAO (03 and ungine) - Run 32M superPi for MOA So I don't loose time, I only bin CPU with 4c/8t at low voltage with fast benchmark -> 6.1+ and superPi 1M with higher voltage 1.78v on any core. If you need more detail : L317B -> 6.1+ wp32M & 6.3+ superpi 1M (5loop 1M@6.4Ghz) All core are the same -> 6.3+ 1M on C0, C1, C2, C3. L315B -> 6.1+ wp32M & 6.3+ superpi 1M (6loop 1M@6.4Ghz) All core are the same -> 6.3+ 1M on C0, C1, C2, C3 but run easier at low T° with 2cores... I don't understand why... On all my old CPU, when you disable core, CB is higher ( -130 instead of -134 for example), but on this on, I can run lower in T° with less cores. But I made only 1 shoot so we have to test it again. L312B -> 6.1+ wp32M & 6.3+ superpi 1M ( 8loop 1M@6.4Ghz) It's the last I have test, so I spend more time with this one. Further test I made on this one (L312): 1.82v instead of 1.78 -> 6.4GHz superPi 1M OK SuperPi 32M @6.3Ghz ok run 2 times, 1time "not exact in round" at the half due to T° -> -120°C instead of -130... I was talking on facebook and 1 time OK between -130 and -125°C But on this CPU, core3 is not as good as core 4. I can run 32M @6.3 nor 1M @6.4 on core 3, but I can on core4 I swear I can't add nothing else... you know everything. I made it fast, really, need to save as much LN2 as possible. Moreover, I usually use my homemade CPU pot (heavy), but It requires too much LN2 to decrease T°... To save LN2, I used EK CPU pot for binding cpu. He is really light compare to mine. ----- If you guys, can give me a price, even if you are not interested, I need to know the price I have to add in the first page Thank you
  10. If you 're still looking for one drop me a message: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=109775
  11. Hi, I already bin around 60 CPU. I have 3 cpu left, all clocking the same. I probably keep 2 pieces ( one for backup). Test on MpowerMax : 4.8Ghz on air (30°c ambiant) on wprime @1.3Ghz with 4c/8t. 6.3+ on superpi @1.78v (don't test with more, nor less) 6.1+ on Wprime @1.62v (don't test with more, nor less) All have CB @-130 (-125/-135) First, what's the price for this kind of piece ? Box + rad + warranty Price : 430e without shipping cost Thanks, Wizerty
  12. He nailed it... congrats M8
  13. South African golden hand strike again // W8 ???
  14. Hi, yes, shipping world wide
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