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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. 6.3 is the max (or I don't know yet how to push further)... 6.2 really easy, 6.3 benchable, 6.32 max, freeze very fast on load, and Vcore doesn't help
  2. I don't want to put my golden chip on an other MB... . Let me know if you make the test, or ask XA, I think he already do it
  3. 8cores @ 2v... you've got balls bro . Chip still alive ? I know a guy who do that (Radi), and it wasn't an happy end for the chip. "I take the WR, wouhouuu" 10sec later " Oops the CPU is dead " . Nice run, congrats.
  4. @BENCHBROS : Yes, on R4E @6300 cinenbench but single channel ( other slot dead).
  5. yes, only 1.64v. More doesn't help (or I keep 6.6ghz for back up ? )
  6. Yes (depending of my wife's job.... or i can come with my child ? )
  7. 1700 unigine, whooo, very nice You have to tweak a bit more, reduce cpu vcore/freq and then, go for to 3
  8. Don't be sad, it's a nice cpu, just a matter of time to find a solution , and then go for 1.7pt +
  9. On my desktop... I can submit it if you want, but to much trouble, I don't understand why, I can't set FSB higher than 420mhz on seven64b. 420 -> no boot and 420 under OS = freeze, but on XP, I can boot with the same SSD, same setting... @460 easily. And it's not CPU issue cause 420 * 10 = 4.2G can't boot on seven, but 460*14 = 6400+ can boot on XP, so it's an HTT limitation, but why ... http://hwbot.org/submission/2444310_wizerty_cinebench_r11.5_sempron_145_1.6_points?recalculate=true
  10. #2 -> #6, one hundred point. #1 -> #2, five hundred point..... Something to add ?
  11. You nail it, impressive CPU, NB, RAM, IGP and...efficiency. Nothing is missing, congrats
  12. Congrats every one, nice competition, but hard time for APU. How many chip are gone during this month... Hazzan, so close, sometime OC is unfair
  13. L315B371 : air : 4900MHz 2c/2t spi 32M @1.35v 4700MHz 4c/8t wprime @1.3 LN2 -130°C : 5800MHz 4c/8t Cinebench 1.68v 6000MHz 1c/1t 32M 1.68v ---- L313b986 : Never test on air LN2 -120°C 6100MHz Cinebench 1.65v, My team mate kill it ---- Other L313bxxx Never test on air LN2 @-120 6050MHz 1M 1.75v ---- L316bxxx 2 pieces, only LN2 test, and suxxx, less than 6GHz ---- Waiting for two 312b520...
  14. I can't spend more time , to busy... and next session it will be to late for this competition, so i'm definitely out. did you try to "combined" the stilt patch + nick bios for your multi issue ? GL
  15. Try other 3d driver. Too much trouble with this board, I give up, remove insulation and put it in my HTPC. Bios freeze every time after 30s with extreme bios (old et new one), same things with two cpu and 2 a85 board. Need to activate C6 when TDP option are disable Can't run higher than 1300. PSC can boot @1300c8, but can't bench higher than 1250. CFR can boot @1300+, but can't bench higher than 1280 (1.8v @-80 c10..) 5 OS corrupted with only 2 session I don't know if A88 is better, or if i'm unlucky with my a85, or if i'm to stupid, but it's enough for me. ---------------- Thanks Hiwa for sharing. The only new "tweak" i found is to keep only one core /module for GT and especially for combined (+50pt), and 4cores for physyx. I tried scheduler patch, it's better for some GT, but worst for other so don't use it. 1.0.1 is faster for physX, and as good as 1.0.5 for GT, so 1.0.1 is the way to go 2stick (dual) is better than 4stick Good luck to every one
  16. Thanks a lot for your works, and for sharing. What's the "best" chips ? low leakage or high leakage (for LN2) ? and scalar high or low ?
  17. Monster screen. congratz to all HKEPC Team
  18. "Grand prizes: the top 5 participants to be flown to CES in Las Vegas for the live extreme overclocking finals (hotel will be covered)." Travel will be covered ?
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