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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. I already told you vivi, I didn't make MOA... This is just my retail bining under LN2. This is without tweak, with my MOA 1st stage os...
  2. I don't think... I already use it, 2 time with BBSE, 4-5 session with the same PSC stick and 3 time with MFR. I never kill IC or stick, and with MFR one pot is @ambient and the other one is @-80 (single side). When you fill with nitrogen, you don't need to have one probe per pot, the T° is always very close. At the beginning, I put 3 probe, to check if every think goes right but it's useless, one is enought, exept if your stick have diffente CB/CBB.
  3. It fit well : 1st use : Some Ice : Look good
  4. Fixing part : As you know, when you screw, if you are not align with IC you can't have a good mounting Probably not the best solution to machin it (lot of waste), but faster for me ( no CNC) : Where is the pot
  5. When I was looking for a ram pot, I always saw the same thing, a pot fix on small heatsinks. Everybody make the same stuff and put is name on it... So I made something new (I think), not for commercial purpose, but for pleasure. Feel free to make your own ram pot, I can send you the drawing for free, but please, don't sell it without "autorisation". The idea is to make something different, with only one goal, increase performance. I don't care of how easy it's to use or if i have to use lot of tim or if it works with ddr, ddr2, ddr3... Here you can see my idea, it's like a "direct in touch ram pot". For performance point of view, it's really better, and "load" & "idle" temperature stay very closed. ---------------------------------------------- Ok, now, let's see the drawing. each side off the stick have his own pot Each pot is made on AL or copper (for the crazy guy), but trust my, aluminium is good enough the pot are heavy... so keep your money, and used AL instead of cooper On the top, you have a kind of "container" to fill with nitrogen, and I made holes, between IC, to increase AL/LN2 area. In front of IC, it's full of AL, no holes, It's better for stay cold during load. The side of the pot. Fixing part, machining picture and LN2 picture coming soon. Sorry for my English, if you want to correct something, or don't understand let's me know.
  6. I'm opposed... I'm benching alone, it's hard enough to keep CPU+GPU at the sweet point, and tried to avoid CB at the end of the bench, then, open cpu-z-gpu-z, make validation link... I can't make a movie in the same time. Keep in mind that we are OCer, not producer... And Once again, if we can't trust each other (it's looks like we can't cause you want to add video) , I ask to inclued overclocker face on the video to avoid video sharing. ---- If it's allowed, and if I play, I prefer send my VGA to MSI to checks what they want. But if they kill it, they have to refund me. For those who make a video, if the video show an other run, like 1600Mhz GPU and 7000point, instead of 1610 and 7020 point for the best submition, is it good enought or they have to make a video for every single attempted ?
  7. So QEH6 ES presse sample are not allowed ? Just to be sure ?
  8. Since this is official, I'm PROBABLY out too. If someone (who want to send me one ?) give me a dead VGA , I probably make a try, but I don't what to spend more money for a competition like that. Good luck to every body, and please, if you take a WR, add some EVGA box in background of the picture/video
  9. yes, models, not puppets....
  10. Easy to say for someone who does not participate, who has not spent hours for this and who has not spent more than $ 1000 for the next round ... If you already killed a titan for this stage, bought with your own money, you still think changing the rules 2 day before was great... I don't think so.
  11. Good idea, if community is agree with that, i think it's the way to go. We take picture of the board before, and then put the zombie. If everybody know they can do that, it's not a cheat any more. Some Ocer have 8.7Ghz cpu, or 8.4Ghz cedar... titan @1800 stock VRM is not more suspicious
  12. Really... Epower forbidden, and Video needed ???? I already bought a Titan and put Epower on it... Can someone explain me how I can solder coil and restart IC after cutting the trace ? Who can refund me ? MSI ? As a lot of other people already said, some OCer used epower for 1st round, so you have to BAN and if you request a video, please buy me a cam, I don't have the stuff for doing that, me cellphone is old, really old, I don't have webcam... And I have only 2 hand.... how can I do to : flood CPU pot (with CB)... flood GPU pot (with CB)... Tweak OS, set frequency, make screen shot... And make a video ????? MAO is for human or I missed something ? Remember that you don't want TEAM bench, so with 2 hands It's to difficult. If video and Epower are not allowed, I ask for a new rule. I want a video, where we can see : - MB/ CPU step / Stock VRM, - Overclocker face and body (to be sure that is really him who use the computer) - Video with the overcloker making Vmod (to be sure that is really him who make Vmod) - Video with the overclocker installing windows - Video with the overclocker buying the stuff - Video showing he is alone during bench session.... It's really a shame, I'am alone, I make all the mode alone, bench alone, I already buy and mod titan and now I have to put 1000$ on the recycling bin, buy a new one, and push it until the dead. If rules stay like that (video + epower forbidden), I think you can forget me... it's really a shame, spending so many time/money for nothing.
  13. So true...
  14. +11000000 VGA *************** I make MOA only cause I already have a titan... It's clearly say : "titan allowed", so this point can't be modify, it's not fair, or someone have to refund me of 1300$... If titan are forbidden, I already spend lot of money, I can't buy an other 770, 780... I can't and I don't want. CPU ***************** "Class A Semi-Final Hardware Limitations: Any MSI "next generation Intel platform" motherboard Any MSI Single GPU graphics card (including GTX Titan)." SB-E, IVY, Sandy, 980x.... is not a "next generation Intel platform" so I suppose it's not allowed Look at for class B : Only use CPU in 3570K (or lower) Here it's "next generation Intel platform" not "next generation Intel platform (or lower)". Haswell is the only things allowed. Bench ***************** To be fair, I think we need : benchmark only CPU dependent -> SuperPi32 benchmark only VGA dependent -> 3dmark 2013 extrme benchmark VGA/CPU dependent -> ??? - SuperPi cause you need some skill, good memory, good CPU... - 3dmark 2013 extreme cause CPU don't impact score, so the one which have bining 300+ chip don't win the competition only cause he have better CPU For CPU/VGA, no idea, old bench are only CPU, news one are VGA... so probably vantage or 2011 ?
  15. It's probably a stupid question, but why did you put SB under cold ?
  16. Probably not... "Not allowed: engineering samples, Lucid Virtu MVP, hardware that is not commercially available at the beginning of the competition."
  17. Congrats Cyclone & XA . @other : see you next stage
  18. Time to show 6300pt ?
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