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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. Hahaa, killed a 550euros GPU, not so nice bro. But except that, yeah, nice day. Need more LN2 to push CPU + Mem
  2. This is after 3run of 3dm2011 + 2 Vantage run (CPU test only) without reboot... See 68k with the same setup after reboot, but GT2 was bug, so lower score
  3. Congrats to all Thanks to splave, Roman, Infrared... it was a pleasure to fight against you guys .
  4. VGA pass away too soon, still pre testing when it die
  5. Nobody move ? Teasing ? http://img.hwbot.org/u26777/image_id_1082109.png
  6. Bomb incoming ? //// 15l of ln2... too much... RIP VGA dead -> IDLE, applying tweak it parameter (1.3v 1100/1500), ... If it can't hold 1.3v, they deserve to die... bit**
  7. First flood of LN2. Let's see how far I can push with 15l
  8. To avoid any confusion, W8.1 allowed ? Driver 13.12 allowed ? If not what's the latest available at the begging of CC ? Any 3dm version restrict ?
  9. Not going to make me friend... First, and it's the most importante part, I know how many works/moneys/time.... is it to make all stage, and what's the feeling when your submission blocked "without" any good reason. So I'm 1000000% agree to keep v1.0 screen Then I don't want to earn point this way, and we are so far in the ranking in this stage that removing those screen have no effect on us but rule have to be the same for EVERY ONE, not only for US, AU or DE... I know AU don't cheat on the screen, and just don't know the rules (me neither), but during this CC, one of our submit was block... We have to buy a new CPU with extra fees (need 1day delivery to have it on time), spend 5hour to bench again the same setup... and finaly not enought time for other stage (2 and 3) ------------------------------------- Here, an other story.... 2 years ago, I submit a screen for CC, and I make a mistake, 2 cpu-z mother board tab instead of cpu + mb -> Screen 100% legit, score was normal with APU (2dm2001) but one missing tab With the name of the IGP (GPU-Z -> 6410D) you can know which cpu I used ( this IGP was only in 1 CPU) , with the mem tab, you can find CPU speed.... So everybody can know the information on the missing tab very easely.... But my submit was block and remove... http://hwbot.org/submission/2229638_ Then only 2/3 score submit due to this moderation.. and when one screen is missing, you go down to the ranking pretty fast. I ask massman to "unlock" the submit, and I explain him the situation, how to "rebuilt" cpu-z missing tab with IGP name, memory frequency... and this is his answer : "I understand your situation, believe me I do. Of course, we could have let this one pass, but what would happen if you would eventually win (or be second/third)? Then people would say HWBOT has commited fraud in the competition by letting that score pass as valid. People who almost won would be angry and that would be completely justified. Damned if we do, damned if we don't ..." So I asked to submit a lower score with all tab, screen made before the end of the competition... and massman answer : NO. ------------------------------------- End of the story.... 2 years latter I still feel pain when I think to this... All the money, the time spend for CC lost due to missing tab... One more time, the good descision is to keep those screen ( cloud gate v1.0), we are all agree with that, but in futur, is something similar happen, you have to "play" with rules again... If it's for AU, or for everybody else... as far as nothing look suspicious
  10. It seems fair and legit, to take your other submission if you have submit one before the "wrong" one. Every body can make a mistake...I hope it will go this way
  11. I like massman idea to "hide & lock" score during 12h. No need to get up during night to submit, or to fear connexion issue.... Other idea : Give point for "sprint", like in "tour de france". In this race, the 1st at the end is the winner, but during the race, you have some spot, and if you are the 1st to go through this spot you win point. Exemple : round 2 : 2 week , but at the end of the first week, 1st team win 3pt, 2nd 2pt, 3rd 1pt. En at the end 1st 20pt ... like a bonus , or extra point. Exemple2 : Same spirit, but with score instead of time, the first team which achieved 40000pt (average) have 3 extra point... the second 2.... The deadline stay the most importante part, but you give extra point during the stage
  12. It can't works... or you need to bench everythings the first day... no one have enough free time to do that. Look at top 5 country, every body bench during all night to achieve score.
  13. Monster score with this crazy i3 550, you nailed it, congrats.
  14. This is probably the 6400CB chip.... amazing, congratz
  15. Yep, open source Only 2 point, -If you sell it, don't forget me -If you build it, give him my name , w1z, WIZ, wizerty .... don't care IMPORTANT : Before starting "production", check the space between memory slot & i build it for MB with "ram lock" on only one side So if "dual" lock you need to remove one or design a new pot. l0ud_sil3nc3 : Ask him, inventor files or STEP, IGES ?
  16. For me, CC is a disappointment, I try to push it, really, but no one want to take part... So I did my best, but when I see "round 2" and "3"... it breaks my heart. One more time, it's a fail for France. We need, at least, one guy like, Roman, Splave, Loud, infrared, AU guys... Someone which can bench instead of.... doing anything else. France is a nice country, with lot of hot babes, free hardware, LN2 supplier everywhere. So come on guy, join us ( only 3 things are not true in the last sentence, i swear) My aim was top3 too....but it over...so I can take a rest (or try to do 2011 for stage1, 20L of LN2 left...haaaa). Good luke all, and don't forget Indonesia sandbag in your calculation...
  17. We have the same Monster IMC (1330 on PSC on air) + Monster IGP ... 1850MHz http://img.hwbot.org/u17635/image_id_1077545.png
  18. energy draining : That's so true bro.. So true
  19. I don't make business with overclocking, it's just for fun, I made my own pot for pleasure I will show you my CPU pot later If you know someone to machin it, I can give you the drawing ( I don't have enought free time to make you one )
  20. Haaa, well done loud , Finally d3mox was right, 430 faster than 610 thanks to extra SP ?
  21. Update with picture. Only one piece in the world hahaa, this is price less
  22. Need to try one more time... with this "troll shutdown" problem hard to tell something. This pot is damn light. If you look at your screen 30s, T° increase pretty fast. Need to flood each second (laod or idle). But if you flood enought it can hold laod (try up to 1.5v). The bigger issue for me is the probe hole. This hole is on the top of the pot, so if flood with small amount of LN2, it's ok, probe show the "good T°", but if you fill with more LN2 (cooper part full), the liquid is very close to the probe and you see T° decreasing very quickly, but in reality the GPU stay at the same T° (i think). Yesterday I switch to my TEK9 to check, but same issue, so it's not "pot relative"
  23. Yep, 4 GPU for us... Hybrid is very nice, 1k more with hybride... impressive
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