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Everything posted by Wizerty

  1. 4hour to reach 1400Mhz on 7970L, try 12.11, 13.4, 13.6,change powersupply, change bios... can't find any solution on Xpoxer II. Finaly put the VGA on GD65 and 1640Mhz very easily. make some run @1670, but score was not good. I don't know what's happend. To bad VGA RAM not good, but GPU is very strong. Now MB won't boot, don't make 32M yet. Time to put all the stuff in the oven .
  2. Someone have a "magictweak" to clock on Xpower II ? max bench @5460 with difficulty on xpower II, rock stable @5555 on R4E .
  3. tomorrow LN2 delivery canceled... I try to schedule a new one on wednesday, but time is to short , and i can't take a day off... I start crying now ?
  4. CPU under LN2, read carefully I said : Waiting for LN2... cause I don't have LN2 @home, this result are made "outside", don't have time to put VGA under LN2.
  5. I'm not sure, lot of people have trouble with PSC on Mpower to...
  6. fast pretest yesterday GD65 + cold, 6.4Ghz @1.8v for firestike physix (set 1.84v to have 1.8v, kind of offset, I always need to set 0.03/0.04v above that i want, even in IDLE). Digital Multimeters don't show Vdrop in load, just this "offset". I try to make 32M, but trouble with PCS, so I used hynix 2133c9 and my OS lost USB driver, no way to connect mouse.... make 2 or 3 32M, but without mousse -> no validation, too boring to open 3x CPU-Z, make screen shoot.... and without mousse no CW, no tweak... max at 6.56Ghz (6.65+ on asus/giga board) and, sit down, 5.19min @6.56 worst run I ever see. I Hope to have LN2 @home before the end. So board works fine, no cb, no cbb... but ram compatibility is not good
  7. " I' feel the same about puting a good chip in those boards " No problem bro, you don't have good chip . Perfect board for you, who care to kill a 1.5v @5Ghz chip ??? -- Xtreme Addict : Do you use ABx (private ED) on your 7970L ? Perhaps it's the reason why they said "ES" card ? Really not sure about that, just a question
  8. @Vivi : I don't forgot your request, but to much works.... For my participation, It depend of LN2 supplier. They can't deliver before next week. If it's monday it will be good, otherwise
  9. "Okay, so it appeared my Xpower II board is missing 4 resistors (soldering pads are okay) so I asked about values few times" If you still need this, send me a picture and I can try to look in my board.
  10. GD65, but fast pre test, I hope it's just a "wrong subtiming". If not, I'm out... without good chip, and without 1300+ ram byebye 32m . Need @1800+ lightning
  11. haaa, I make some test , I try to boot full dimm with PSC and no-way. No-boot or boot @1333 ( set @2400 in bios). with only 2 dimm @2600 I can't boot, but my stick are "ready for LN2", so chip are naked and i don't what to increase Vmem, but in same condition (1.65v), on asus board, I can bench 32M @1280. I try to fix it tomorow and lets you know the result
  12. I don't start 32M yet, just some pretest yesterday with CINEBENCH, test hynix and PSC on gd65 and no trouble, but I don't push really hard, just 1300c11 on hynix and 1200c8-11-7-28 on PSc @1.65 but every things works fine, no boot issue. What is your problème with PSC ? don't boot or can't run 32M ? On asus mobo with PSC you have to manage BCLK to run 32M, otherwise "not exact". I can test 5g with PSc tomorrow if you want
  13. haaa giorgio, i guess all your VGA are ready for LN2, and the only one which is still under stock cooler is your titan
  14. If you want to Vmod, make shami Vgpu mod, not massman nor Poparamiro one. Shami is easiest than massman one, and poparamiro works but kick with OVP... To start, shami VGPU + massamn gpuslowdonwn will be enought. And in case of trouble, it's easy to remove.
  15. Eeky is my TM, he give me the link . Dont worry, he is ok
  16. Ok, I take it. Paypal is ok for you ?
  17. I'm very interesting, 5G 4C/8T @1.27G for vantage ? or 03 ??? It's not the same Already used on LN2 ? Edit : I just read the title... shame on me.. Just show me some screen and I take it
  18. Good spirit John White For sure, qualification level is different for everybody... Some have work, wife, child and other are in school, unemployment, retired... Some have free titan, other have to paid for it , or can't have it Some have cheap LN2, other have to paid 4-5euros / liter Some are skilled, other are dumbass Some are lucky....
  19. My bad, I thought someone wanted to remove his submission. Sorry for the misunderstanding... @phil : You probably post during I was writing my answer... I'm not fast in english
  20. I'm not a lawyer, and I never meet/speak with giorgioprimo, but.... During AOOC, 3or4 time, and without any hard/soft modification, the monitoring data failed. Why ? I don't know, but score was "normal", no boost and no loss... So It's a software problem, not a cheat or something like that. And if you delete his submition, he lost 42pt -> so 30pt remain with 32M and 2011.. He just need to be on top11 or 12 to go to moscow, so 3 or 13pt... Seriously, he show us almost 14k, so we can assume he made 12k to have 13pt... Me 2 cent : Ok, he miss monitoring, but we know it's 3dmark software trouble, and we know he have enought point to be in the 9.... so come on, don't be ridiculous, don't kick him for this. Just think, if it was you ??? And someone ask to remove your screen due to a small mistake... He do his work, for me he deserve his ticket for moscow
  21. Or he loves his teammates too much, and can't go with you due to the "no girlfriends" rules ...Be careful when you meet him next time
  22. Wouhouuuuu !!!! congrats to all, and see you in moscow.... congratulations to Aris team, very strong result.
  23. Ok, but serioulsy, we know that NOBODY made 32M with Titan, so come on, if you (or they) manipulate rule, they have to remove all 32M submition made without titan... So mtech -> remove smoke -> remove tm3k -> remove Aristidis -> remove Ananerbe -> remove giorgioprimo` -> remove ... So all faster submition that ours have to be remove to... So it's not a probleme, if we "lost" 32M, all top9 will lost submition to duue to "Use 1 videocard core(s) in total" . So I'm not worrie
  24. 1 CPU = no Bi-cpu or quad-CPU (like SR2....). Otherwise, "Use 1 videocard core(s) in total" -> Make 32M with titan ???
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