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Everything posted by Pt1t

  1. OK you used fixed resitors
  2. Are all wires going to the same trimmers ?
  3. here : http://www.pcworld.fr/article/materiel/carte-graphique/test-amd-radeon-hd-7970-overclockee/523505/
  4. yes i tested 4 Bioses , all the same.
  5. No change for me compared to the Asus bios
  6. on amd it s 8.921.2 , those are 8.94
  7. air 1.25v ? share new drivers please
  8. First ... Happy New Year to all ... I wish you all the best for 2012 ! After some test blocked with 1125Mhz max GPU frequency ... i flashed the Bios of the M*I card with the A**S Bios to get GPU Tweak full tabs. For those who want it , here is the link to the pack : http://www.mediafire.com/?63r7qz63d14rl17 Catalyst link : http://www.mediafire.com/?gylip6nky364ch3 Just flash with the Bios from main folderwith ATIwinflash. ATIwinflash is in GPU Tweak folder after installation
  9. psc ... I did that very quickly for country cup
  10. 4 X 4Go memory OC is easy with R4E
  11. It depends if 22nm likes cold or not
  12. OK , i will do that effort for my country
  13. first time i see rejected result with FX 8150
  14. you need new eeprom, i dont know how that bug is coming and i had that kind of bug/Me part dead with 2 brands using MX eeprom 32Mo chip.
  15. Hey, The 1M isnt our best one , our best one was to 6.1Ghz with higher uncore :-) Also For ECO test ... we had to run the 06 forest with FPS above 60 ^^ with the lowest power consumption possible.
  16. BTW not enough overclocking women in Belgium to put this song in one OC lan
  17. Now i m looking to buy a small SS ... my cascade is too cold for Snady Biatchh
  18. Maybe little update of 0950 http://www.ftp.asus.fr/Lancement%20P67/Bios/MaximusIV-Extreme-ASUS-0951.rar 1. Enhance support for high performance DRAM 2. Improve XMP module compatibility 3. Adds new option Memory Bandwidth Booster for better DRAM performance 4. Fix BIOS may shwo incorrect Target CPU Speed shown after Clear CMOS"
  19. No, i have to test this bios tonight on extreme 4 ... if that works they will do it for other board. If not, that will kill my cpu
  20. ok got bios for asrock extreme 4 with beter vcore than 1.52V (1.7V now ) * P67EXT4143A.ZIP
  21. Asrock Extreme 4 with latest bios 1.4 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1607886 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1607920 BTW 1.52V is the max Bios
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