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Everything posted by Strat

  1. No Alex you already have gem DDR3, let it for other people
  2. Awesome bunch of idea Alva
  3. Well done Straya, bad spirit but awesome skills and scores! Congratz also to Indonesia and Romania, nice fight Thanks also to HWBot for hosting a great comp.
  4. Cold air + little GPU that doesn't heat that much = temp like this. It still raise by more than 10° during benchmark
  5. Do you have the screenshot in full quality? We can't see anything
  6. Seems you have by far the best 7850k ever seen Usually no way to get 5Ghz on air, especially with such low voltage.
  7. Did better this afternoon, I'm happy Straya, Romania, Germany where are you? Please don't tell me you are sandbagging like hell for a comp like Country Cup
  8. Well if it needs to be reported to be checked by moderating team, here I go.
  9. Modos please I need to know asap if this result is ok or not : http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/4965715 Thanks!
  10. Maybe you found a monster tweak, maybe it's a buggued run. If you can redo it then congratz If you cannot then remove you submission. Your score looks obviously suspicious with 656 Graphic score against 528k for fugger with 780 Ti. Cmon man, you did 350365 fps at GT1 where you should be around 2000fps
  11. When he does it by a mile on ambiant cooling, YES
  12. Wow! Is this score redoable each time? If yes then it's very impressive
  13. Didn't think hypers make such a difference...
  14. Well Of course you are slower than me my mems are Ln2 cooled at c6 with tight subs
  15. Is this possible with that setup? Seems incredibly fast....
  16. Heavy sandbagging or not so much people involved?
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