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Everything posted by Strat

  1. Congratz Dancop, you were unbeatable! Congratz also to all other, was a good fight
  2. This is a special batch, same as mine... Guess for once we are lucky with CPUs
  3. Run buggué, il vaut mieux effacer ce score avant que quelqu'un le report Si tu veux en discuter envoi moi un mp
  4. PhysX enabled, please delete and re-run without it.
  5. This is going to last for a long time (until Skylake at least). Well done!
  6. I was wondering when someone would do that, nice benching well done!
  7. Aren't you tired to criticize everything everytime? Are Aquamark wrapper and HWbot Prime just perfect without any error or bug? Kindness never killed anybody you know
  8. Then please Massman, say you word to clarify all that mess
  9. Here you go : https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqhtpzth5sbeuil/Futuremark_SystemInfo_v434_installer.msi?dl=0
  10. Where was it said? How come the rules are sooooo blurry? I'm using W7 64b, I don't get why sometimes I have this error, even on aircooling with rockstable frequencies. Someone from the HWBot staff told me Time measurement is ok on W7, Websmile linked a post where it is also said that it is ok, and now you are saying that it is not? Come on....
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