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Everything posted by Strat

  1. IMHO this has nothing to do with a failing validation process. It just means that there was an error during the bench due to an unstable component. It's like Wprime and pifast, sometimes you can see an error in computation but it still gives a score.
  2. If you mean his 4770k (ex mine), it's dead
  3. Wow 980Ti looks very strong. Great Benching!
  4. Haha you are right, seems I was still sleeping
  5. ABX is only for MSI cards. I don't see any MSI cards in your list
  6. If you want to solder a powerboard to a 4870, shoot me a pm if you need help
  7. Asus Power Mincard : Volt mod and OCP mod, powering MVDDC and MVDDQ. EVGA Epower : Powering VDDC uP7701 : 3.3v on EN pin to get back PLL voltage
  8. Thaks 12, once epowered, the card is good
  9. Incredible skills here!!
  10. Thanks! But all my good PSC are dead.. And I'm far away from your efficiency
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