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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Don't see these for sale much. How do they compare to the Lightning for XOC I wonder?
  2. Beautiful board! Good luck with the sale.
  3. New member and straight into hardcore BCLK non-K overclocking on cold, I like it
  4. Only just saw this, great achievement beating a 10+ year old score - well done!
  5. I wonder why the 4-cores clock so much lower than G7400, must be a reason for it.
  6. For anyone who encounters the same error, switching BIOS chips and reflashing didn't help - I think my board has a hardware issue after many cold sessions. Secure boot / UEFI is broken, my workaround was to install an MBR version of Windows 10, after that everything worked. The BIOS flashback button is also broken, not sure if related.
  7. This attachment has somehow disappeared, can it be reuploaded? Thanks!
  8. Anyone else get this error when trying to boot from USB or SATA? Wondering if my board has some physical damage, I tried both BIOS chips and BIOS reflash but always the same error
  9. Seeing quite a lot of F22b scores around, will this BIOS be made public @sergmann?
  10. That's really unlucky. I've had 3 x 5300G and 1 x 5350GE but all around -120 to -150 CB and 5.4 or 5.5G.
  11. Excellent stuff! Time for TAGG to go back into the bin bucket ;)
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