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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. I'm having a strange issue on my board, both BIOS chips showing the little red light in the bottom right hand corner of the board with no postcode when using an APU. I don't have any other CPU at hand at the moment, I flashed back both chips to the latest BIOS and it seemed to go through o.k. but then I got that LED. Hopefully I didn't kill the BIOS chips or something, this was just the latest retail BIOS, nothing fancy.
  2. Wow all-out x299 cucked by a random server CPU, rip.
  3. Not every dogpile is for BCLK and therefore not every dogpile requires DB work. In fact as far as I know, this was the first BCLK dogpile. Others I remember are Aquamark and x265.
  4. wPrime 1024m singlecores only, AM3 and LGA775 banned. Maybe not a dogpile but 5-10 subs would be nice.
  5. Nicely done, but did Bullshooter punch you at the benchmeet when he saw you beat his gold? ;)
  6. Interesting, in BIOS there is only up to 300. Is the rest all in-O.S. or is there a BIOS mod available?
  7. The way you were talking up how crap this chip is I was expecting like 5.8 GHz, this really isn't half bad!
  8. Is this really happening? TechTested turning into the American TAGG.
  9. Always nice to see a new meta that doesn't involve sandwich PCBs and paste cracks
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