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I.nfraR.ed last won the day on January 6

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About I.nfraR.ed


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  1. Excellent score, congrats! Mem speed is insane. You found the purple tweak
  2. Thanks guys. It's "testing...". I think it was the first try during pull down, but it didn't scale much. Spoiler alert: I did not reach my sub-10 target. Don't think it matters for this bench, but I might be wrong.
  3. Excellent score with a random sample that has weak cores!
  4. Well, that isn't much different than my chiller But you have a better CPU than me for sure, cool!
  5. yes, memory doesn't matter for gpupi, just core clocks Taichi LN2 OC Formula with 2 mem slots when?
  6. That's probably SS or at least chilled water. If it is normal water/AIO then it is definitely a really good sample.
  7. Nice! How many did you bin? Don't think mine can do 6800+.
  8. Good job! Is that a pot on the memory? PS: Ah, yes, it's running at 4300.
  9. I use version 16.1.2 from this link: https://cloud.genieben.com/s/aMJs4BZpRzaGLpb?path=%2F2016
  10. Oh, a name I haven't seen in a while. Welcome back!
  11. Thanks, as I said your score is very good! Maybe new bios would improve it further. Would be interesting to see if you can do it with 9800X3D as well. For some reason, 8-cores seem to be slower than intel. The difference seems too big (a whole second). Not sure I got this, but I must be older than both of them 😛
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