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I.nfraR.ed last won the day on January 6

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  1. Nice score! Expected a bit more from this CPU, though :/
  2. Yeah, there's no such thing as category by OS, everyone runs their OS of choice (presumably the fastest one). The only thing that matters is the final score for the given VGA (and sometimes for global rankings).
  3. What do you mean? The current rankings for 7900GTX is here: https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/3dmark2001_se/rankings?cores=1&videoCardId=741&hardwareType=gpu
  4. Excellent score, congrats! Mem speed is insane. You found the purple tweak
  5. Thanks guys. It's "testing...". I think it was the first try during pull down, but it didn't scale much. Spoiler alert: I did not reach my sub-10 target. Don't think it matters for this bench, but I might be wrong.
  6. Excellent score with a random sample that has weak cores!
  7. Well, that isn't much different than my chiller But you have a better CPU than me for sure, cool!
  8. yes, memory doesn't matter for gpupi, just core clocks Taichi LN2 OC Formula with 2 mem slots when?
  9. That's probably SS or at least chilled water. If it is normal water/AIO then it is definitely a really good sample.
  10. Nice! How many did you bin? Don't think mine can do 6800+.
  11. Good job! Is that a pot on the memory? PS: Ah, yes, it's running at 4300.
  12. I use version 16.1.2 from this link: https://cloud.genieben.com/s/aMJs4BZpRzaGLpb?path=%2F2016
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