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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Damn I wanted to run SuperPi and WPrime, but I think it is dead -.-
  2. To see the main post . Clic ''Go Advanced'' under ''Quick Reply''
  3. Ticket ID: 1121 Priority: High According to Intel datasheets/CPUWorld/My website()\r\nThere is no Pentium Pro 166 Mhz with 256KB L2 Cache.\r\nSo :\r\nDelete \'\'Pentium Pro 150Mhz\'\' (As there is no submissions)\r\nReName \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz\'\' into \'\'Pentium Pro 150Mhz\'\' (imo as the default bus of the motherboard was 66Mhz and not 60Mhz CPUZ is showing 2.5x66(166Mhz) and not 2.5x60(150Mhz) and with 256KB L2 Cache(which is the cache of the Pentium Pro 150Mhz)\r\nReName \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz 512KB\'\' into \'\'Pentium Pro 166Mhz\'\'\r\n\r\n\r\nThx
  4. I will be on the next stats (atm around 420 ''Joined Hardware rankings'' )
  5. Ticket ID: 1120 Priority: Medium Can you add this card :\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd btw change the actual Radeon \'\'7500 DDR\'\' into \'\'Radeon 7500 DDR 128Bit\'\'\r\n\r\nThx
  6. Oups, ... Yeah I can run everest but if I remember it's showed like a Virge. Will check ASAP
  7. What does ''Joined Hardware rankings'' means ?
  8. Step one : Go on your profile, and clic the option tab : Step two : Clic the ''force recalculation of best submissions'' button : To manually ask the server to recalculate your achievements
  9. Ticket ID: 1115 Priority: Low Here is the GPU-Z screenshot.\r\nAs you can see I get an error when trying to take a GPU-Z screenchot.\r\n\r\nthx
  10. Ticket ID: 1113 Priority: Low Here is the screenshot :\r\n\r\n\r\nCan run 3DM99
  11. Ticket ID: 1112 Priority: Low Here is the screenshot :\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd yes I can run 3DM99 ;D:D\r\nBut she is out of memory for 3DM2000 and 2001
  12. when the 1.55 was out, I was still submiting with the 1.54 for 2 weeks and then It says ''not the right version of cpuz please download the last one''(or smthg like that) .
  13. You can still use the older version for a while, but not too long. canardpc valid won't allow you to submite with the older one after 1 or 2 weeks !
  14. Just use the cpuz submission ID. And write it down on canardpc validation main page. Don t need to report imo
  15. Ticket ID: 1109 Priority: High \r\n\r\nIt\'s a Cyrix 6x86L with M1L(MIL) core.\r\n\r\nOn the CPU it\'s physically written :\r\nCyrix 6x86L P166+GP
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