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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Yes, while running the 2nd CPU test(low priority), I launched WPrime in (real time priority) , that's why I have a negative score.
  2. Final Score : http://3dmark.com/3dmv/2804118
  3. Little preview : http://3dmark.com/3dmv/2803935
  4. I think Auqmark should be after 3DMark 2001, or after 3DMark Vantage, but not between 06 and Vantage imo
  5. Also 3DMark Vantage, without the ''Performance''.
  6. Yeah I had the score after 11 run. Try Powerstrip to downclock
  7. Yeah, I just want to have best submissions possible.
  8. Yeah but if the guy is not like me or Turrican that have got all CPUs ? He maybe add a physical pic which will not be the right one with the rev of the cpu showed on CPUZ and in that way there is a chance to fight against wrong submissions (and then we no more trust him )
  9. BTW: Can pics of the physical CPU for Pentium 1, Pentium MMX, Cyrix, Athlon XP submissions can be mandatory ? (And other CPU that aren't reconised corectly by CPUZ ? That I have forgotten)
  10. Ha yeah in that way, like somebody saw a result with 3.5x in the 166 and he is rightly using a 166 but reach to unlock the multi. Anyway in all case, cpuz doesn't show the multi or the bus freq.
  11. Yeah, I remember the poll, but dont remember the conclusion. EDIT : Find : http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13137&highlight=motherboard+mandatory Result of the poll is Yes btw
  12. Come on, Roger, this is not you best score. Update it :
  13. Yes, maybe, don't remember, but ayway, who want to have 3.5 on a 166 ? They can just use a 233 and submite in the 166 category, there is no way to see the bus/multi on CPUZ.
  14. Seems that the mainboard is not optional, it's mandatory : But imo we aren't going to block submissions without Motherboard cpuz window. Anyway it's always better to show the motherboard used. (also fight against hardware sharing)
  15. I have to check but I think all my Pentium MMX are with unlocked multi, and i have about 20 different Pentium MMX. For the Thread here, if TaPaKaH( or any member in the future) physical CPU pics are AX1.00DMT3C then it s an Athlon KP(showed as a MP by CPUZ if the L5 bridge is closed). If it's AMP1.00DMS3C then it s an Athlon MP. Many thx to Turrican,my dead CPU, and my brown(L5 closed) and green(L5 open) PCB Athlon XP 1700for finding that. Also Many Thx to all new moderators that are very active and trying to find the truth.
  16. FSB wall on mine (SATA2 R2) is around 305 Mhz
  17. Same is for Pentium 1, MMX, Cyrix CPU. But we( I ) submite in the right category, even adding a pic of the physical cpu. It's always hard to know if the submission is true or false for these CPUs.
  18. Unfortunately the oother one I have with brown PCB is dead . Because I put it in the dead Asus Motherboard(and the board killed it for sure), Damn it was working before. TaPaKaH/M.Scott you owe me a AX1800DMT3C/ARKGA .
  19. Gimme time to install Windows XP, and I will post CPUZ screenshots. (I have to try the AX1800 brown PCB on an another board cause seems it's not working on the Asus )
  20. Ok was trying with the A7V8X. You know what ? Guess.... I tried with the dead one :o Will try with the alive one by now.
  21. Which board ? Chipset I have : KT133A 741 735 KT400A KT400 KM133 KLE133 730 KT266 And which version of CPUZ ? Will build the setup atm
  22. I haven't read the whole article but I will do it, anyway, very nice. Good Job EDIT : Now I read the whole article. How did you have so good pics ?
  23. Ok thanks, so my 3 Palomino with Green PCB are open => XP And my 2 Palomino with brown PCB are close => MP ?(Damn I thought they were Athlon XP, fortunately I haven't submited them yet.) What does taht change ? I mean if it's closed or not, it's just to work as multiprocessing system ? (I am not a modder and not a tweaker) Can you just simply update me(by a link or by pm), if there is changing if I will close, open all bridges ? EDIT: I did some search, seems we can change the vcore, cpu multiplier, FSB, cache..... Is that allowed by HWBot ?
  24. Is closed mean that there is a black line on it ?
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