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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Suggestion : Add a tab on our profile where it's written hardware used, like : CPU=> i7 920, C2D e8600, P4 630.....=> Benchmarks=>(submissions) GPU=> 8800 GT 512MB, TNT2 Pro, Rage 128 Pro....=> Benchmarks=>(Submissions) Motherboard=> Socket=> Motherboard used=>(submissions)
  2. Arf, dont worry, I trust you, Just can you told me which driver you used and if you did something to get it work, cause if you see my submission, I and Dr.Swizz spent a lot of time to get it work. Then I will beat you using a Pentium 4 @ 3 ghz and overclocking the card
  3. Can you provide a screenshot with the device ID showed, please, here it's hidden. Thx
  4. Now I can buy the advanced version, thx FM guys and HWBot community
  5. Crysis (the game) : to overclock my gaming setup to run it with full settings, and I saw that overclocking was funny so I started HWBot. Then Turrican : to overclock every hardware I can then Massman : to do some weird score, like worst score possible
  6. yeah seems 4x here too, try to edit you result, and check if it's gone, or ask some modo to move your score and also the whole list of 4x instead of 2x
  7. maybe the first submission ever with negative score ?
  8. Yes, while running the 2nd CPU test(low priority), I launched WPrime in (real time priority) , that's why I have a negative score.
  9. Final Score : http://3dmark.com/3dmv/2804118
  10. Little preview : http://3dmark.com/3dmv/2803935
  11. I think Auqmark should be after 3DMark 2001, or after 3DMark Vantage, but not between 06 and Vantage imo
  12. Yeah, I just want to have best submissions possible.
  13. Yeah but if the guy is not like me or Turrican that have got all CPUs ? He maybe add a physical pic which will not be the right one with the rev of the cpu showed on CPUZ and in that way there is a chance to fight against wrong submissions (and then we no more trust him )
  14. BTW: Can pics of the physical CPU for Pentium 1, Pentium MMX, Cyrix, Athlon XP submissions can be mandatory ? (And other CPU that aren't reconised corectly by CPUZ ? That I have forgotten)
  15. Ha yeah in that way, like somebody saw a result with 3.5x in the 166 and he is rightly using a 166 but reach to unlock the multi. Anyway in all case, cpuz doesn't show the multi or the bus freq.
  16. Yeah, I remember the poll, but dont remember the conclusion. EDIT : Find : http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13137&highlight=motherboard+mandatory Result of the poll is Yes btw
  17. Come on, Roger, this is not you best score. Update it :
  18. Yes, maybe, don't remember, but ayway, who want to have 3.5 on a 166 ? They can just use a 233 and submite in the 166 category, there is no way to see the bus/multi on CPUZ.
  19. Seems that the mainboard is not optional, it's mandatory : But imo we aren't going to block submissions without Motherboard cpuz window. Anyway it's always better to show the motherboard used. (also fight against hardware sharing)
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