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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Yes, I just check the QX6850, it s back to normal all of them has got the right ranking, and I don t have had to do a recalc. Great.
  2. I don t think we have HWBOT.massman atm
  3. So.... @ massman This after noon, I don't know why I was looking to QX6850, anyway, I was looking at this CPU ranking, I saw something wrong, the first one was ranked 5 of 59.... hum something weird here, so I did a recalc for each bench for the QX6850, and he get his normal rank : 1 of 9. EDIT : Now I am back to QX6850, maybe it was a bug, and it is , there is now 59 submissions Conclusion : 1) It wasn't my fault 2) Server may have hidden a lot of submissions for a while, and now they are back. 3) I have to recalc them... EDIT2 : damn recalc is not working atm, will try tomorrow
  4. I think it's my fault, I have done some recalculations by clicking on the ''reclaculation'' button of some submissions this after noon. . I will explain to massman what happened.
  5. I am going to check if I can beat you, maybe with my mother laptop.
  6. No there is the mainboard(motherboard) tab -.- First pic
  7. Me too:o
  8. I like vintage HOC competitions, or special ones like (only one cpu/core). (maybe because I have got a lot of old hardware )
  9. If a CPU, a GPU, even a motherborad isn't registered on HWBot, please add a new ticket here http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?do=newticket (FYI it's the helpcenter where you can report a bug, hardware that are missed on HWBot, ask a question), and Turrican will add your CPU/GPU/Motherboard ASAP.
  10. hmmm, and for 1 core ? I only have a GA-5AX from gigabyte atm. EDIT : also 2 boards s478, one slot one, a s462 and s423. Only 1 Core
  11. You have to do that : http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1042
  12. It's because others have unlocked Pixels that were disabled
  13. According to you blue screen pic, it's the driver. But as you tried other drivers, I don't know...
  14. Ticket ID: 1091 Priority: Low I have got some Cyrix MII-300GP, but some are 66x3.5 and others 75x3.\r\n\r\nI can take a pic for proof.\r\n\r\nThx
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