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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Ticket ID: 1106 Priority: High Everest SS :\r\n
  2. Ticket ID: 1105 Priority: High Everest SS :
  3. Already reported, and posted on the submission, this post here is useless
  4. 1) Don't know what is this CPU. Turrican will help you better than me 2)For the motherboard : 3) Yeah there is a RDRAM ranking.
  5. He already added the cpu : http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1099
  6. i7 940M added, but please next time check your tickets. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13007 Turrican was waiting after you, http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12670 Will move your submission to 640M. Regards
  7. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11796&page=2
  8. WTF : Runned @ the university, sorry last night I was too busy. After I made this pic : I clicked cancel and got a score, it's not written that the CDMark was skipped(It's even written ALL test executed. Weird, maybe with less tests you've got a lower score but, it's not default settings(amount of tests here). Few remarks after testing: -CDMrak : WTF! -Don't know if default settings are DX10/9. -Even with tests skipped it's written : ''ALL tests executed''$ -No online scores(Or I haven't find the button ) Maybe a too young benchmark
  9. going to test it tonight
  10. WoW, how did you do 2 x my score ? What are your tweaks ?
  11. First bench even with the GTX 580 ? EDIT : No, Mean Machine was the first one
  12. @ ME4EM, I don't think we are going to blam/ban/block scores without the CPU-Z mobo tab.
  13. Domage, d apres le forum, je ne peux que te croire, tu n aurais pas tricher en faisant un test/tuto, mais comme sur hwbot tou le monde est restraint aux regles, elles s appliquent a tout le monde. Ceux qui ont reporté ont du avoir eu la meme chose precédemment donc ils se vengent en quelque sorte . Dans tout les cas tu ne trichais pas . C est juste que la soumission(screenshot) est invalide d apres les regles, et comme les regles sont la seul loi ici ...
  14. Je ne dis pas du tout que tu triches, loin de là, mais comme on ne voit rien du tout sur le screen, les autres peuvent penser que oui (et/ou sont jaloux). Dans tous les cas, le screenshot est malheureusement invalide. Aurais-tu gardé un fichier de validation ou un autre screen ?
  15. np, but you have to thank the server or massman, I did nothing
  16. Know bug(since yesterday ), think it's the server we have to wait.... EDIT : Seems to be OK now
  17. Ils ont raisons, j'ai bien peur que tu doives refaire cette soumission, d'après les règles, elle est invalide : http://www.hwbot.org/blog/wp-content/clipboard07.jpg Tu dois montrer les parametres(settings) et les details du bench,(les fps pour chaque game test).
  18. Ticket ID: 1098 Priority: High Please can you add this CPU :\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/submission/1071087_drj59_superpi_2x_core_i3_350m_18sec_377ms\r\n\r\nI will ask a modo to move the submission after you add it \r\n\r\nthx
  19. For the grey ones, you only the best one count, the other ones are for the team. For exemple if you have 20 pts @ wprime 1xCPU and also 22 pts for 2xCPU, only the 22 global pts are for you, and all other points (includong the 22) for the team.
  20. I think this one : http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12005
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