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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. You can delete it by yourself clic on the option button of the submission and then clic on the trash button(delete button) sorry cant help you with screenshots like I am on the iphone by now
  2. Ha thx, will test it tomorrow. Arf seems I need to be active also on other forums not only on HWBot . Go XS Going to kill the result but give the result btw
  3. Now even @ stock (2.66) ghz and also 2 Ghz OMG I think I have to reinstall windows
  4. Hi all, Does anyone know this problem ? Using a C2D E6700 @ 2.66 Ghz the test passed. @ 4.0 Ghz => Failed @ 3.9 Ghz => Failed @ 3.6 Ghz => Failed @ 3.2 Ghz => Failed @ 3.0 Ghz => Failed @ 2.8 Ghz => Failed @ 2.7 Ghz => Failed even 2.67 Ghz Only @ 2.66 Ghz I am able to run this Grammar Check Test. WTF. Never happen before. CPU stable @ 4.0 Ghz on WPrime, SuperPi, PiFast. I am going to try PCMark05 ASAP
  5. Christian Ney


  6. , as I was following this thread on the iphone(I was at a badminton tournament), I havn't had the idea to check his other submissions like his CPU-Z one.
  7. Yeah he also can have validations files(for 3DM01 and 3DM03) as he has them for 3DM05 and 3DM06. If I am decided to buy 3DMark key, I will share him the 3DM01 and 3DM03 key.
  8. But as he has got valid link and legit gold cups for 1x GPU. We have to think about. I don't know if there is a way to edit the validation file, but.... In Aquamark and 3DM01 having SLI, don't improve a lot the score. So imo, his results seems good, as he can get golds in 3DM05, 3DM06.
  9. You don t need to rebench it, just send me the current file. I will show then you are ligit
  10. Its OK now, It was because 1st submissions where moved from Gt 330M to Gt 330, and the server hasn't recalculated the ranking
  11. You don't need a serial number to validate a score with 3DMark01 on Futuremark
  12. It's ok now, I just done a recalculation of your entry
  13. Send me by email, the ''submite aquamark result'' file and I will legit your result
  14. I am not on T0lsty side, but as you showed subdetails of the benchmarks, why did you hide the top ?
  15. np, happy for helping you
  16. Nice Massman even if it's useless for me , it would be helpful for others
  17. Because for your profile only best globals are counted and for the team all globals. For exemple : If you have a score on 1x CPU under WPrime32 and you got 10.5 pts, and also 20 pts but with 2x CPU on WPrime32. For your profile only the 20 pts count, but for the team : 20+10.5. For each benchmark only the submission who earn the most amount of global points count for you profile.
  18. Here is the solution : http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1042
  19. Will test 2x Maxtor DiamondMax plus 9 (IDE) in RAID 0, with Hightpoint raid controller. EDIT : also tested the HDD of computers at the university( Western Digital Caviar SE 8Mo 7200 160 Go)
  20. 250 views but no results(only sweet), come on guys.
  21. Ticket ID: 1071 Priority: Low Here is the CPU-Z link :\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1432451\r\n\r\nHere is the link of the official pic of the card by Gigabyte :\r\n\r\nhttp://www.gigabyte.fr/fileupload/product/2/1759/392.jpg
  22. , you need 0.04 Mhz, keep pushing bro.
  23. Ticket ID: 1070 Priority: Low Here is the CPU-Z link :\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1432370\r\n\r\nAnd a pic to proof the name :\r\nhttp://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6990/e210882.jpg\r\n\r\nthx
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