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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Okay Massman is in the plane now for ~ 15 hours, his vacation is over. So he will start doing back hwbot full time on monday. Let's make him a surprise 3, 2, 1 ... GO! PMs spamming started
  2. I am photoshopper lvl 2: Watermark added - check lvl 1 was picture resized successfully
  3. Thanks, btw just noticed: can you edit it from Sandy Bridge to Ivy Bridge please. Many thanks
  4. You will cry But I want to try those freqs on Bulldozer and Trinity too, Binning coming
  5. ho sorry, 1230, can you please edit ?
  6. V2 is different from ''V1'' Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2411189 http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20E3-1230.html http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20E3-1230%20v2.html
  7. Hum you are not the only one with problems submitting 3D03 to FM. You sure SI is not disabled ? did you try to submite with SI disabled ? Otherwise send me the file at christian[at]hwbot.org and I will put it on FM under your account (PS: also send me any of your ORB link in the email so I know what your account is)
  8. How do you mean, can't submite or just not FM approved ? Drivers approved ? Tess lvl default ? Virtu no installed and so on ?
  9. Offtopic in the Offtopic
  10. Got also the profile issue on my MVG, sometimes the profiles were gone or just not working anymore
  11. Then you forgot to force recalculation ho and I just woke up
  12. Related thread: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=27930
  13. There are no WR points for them, they aren't in the TOP10 Global
  14. The sad part is that yes we are
  15. Yeah 12.x Unofficial Beta from June 12 brings a tiny bit more in 3DM11
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