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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. Sorry for you guys who have problem with DDR5. On DDR4 i have issue with 5066 Kit that is error on xmp, and thats not board or memory issue, its IMC issue, and this on rocketlake. I can bench geekbench to 5866 and memory clock 6300 but no 5066 stable at xmp. XMP is overclock.
  2. DDR5-6933 30-40-40 passing Y-Cruncher 2.5B on 2021 board with 9902 BIOS
  3. DDR5-7200 32-42-42 2T Quad Channel done on 9902 BIOS finally!
  4. Just try the settings above, i wait your feedback if it fixed your problems
  5. Anyone who said who have problem, my board is 2021 too and i dont have problem, i can run Y-Cruncher 2.5B All Days on this setting and actually i use this settings for daily use. This settings may help you if you have problem. Try this BIOS, this is best BIOS for mem oc from anything i try. BIOS thanks to @shamino https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb4qbqdzae5e3d2/ROG-MAXIMUS-Z690-APEX-ASUS-9902.zip?dl=0 And try this may help stability, thanks to @safedisk SenseAmp Offset Training [Disabled] Read Timing Centering 1D [Enabled] Round Trip Latency [Enabled] Turn Around Timing Training [Disabled] And i try this helped too : DRAM CLK Period [63] to [161] Dll_bwsel [24] or [25] Memory Controller Voltage [AUTO] CPU System Agent Voltage [AUTO] or some CPU may like it 0.9 to 0.975v IVR Transmitter VDDQ Voltage [AUTO] DRAM VDD Switching Frequency [1.5] DRAM VDDQ Switching Frequency [1.5] DRAM VDD & VDDQ is depend on Memory IC and PMIC can be different.
  6. With that timing and voltage, most probably Samsung B-Die
  7. Nice score! New steppings cpu seems good!
  8. 7000 30-40-40 2T Tight working on 0080 BIOS, definitely improving it!
  9. BIOS 0072 definitely improving a lot! Thanks for sharing this bios @dumo
  10. In my test for 3DMark03 and 05 on Alderlake, score is scaling with core count which is very weird and i never seen this until now on this benchmark. And e core is useless on Windows 7 even on 3DMark11. Try 8c/8t or 8c/16t! it score much higher on 03 and 05, and i still using 60hz monitor. No high refresh rate monitor at the moment.
  11. I dont know if my score can compared to yours, but seems okay from score side. I dont have rocketlake anymore to compare the score.
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