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Everything posted by speed.fastest

  1. I just testing this Crucial Ballistix 16GB Kit 3200 CL16-18-18 1.35v XMP. Actually performance is not bad at all, so far this is closest performance to Samsung B-Die from what i testing. Single Core score blurred for competition reason (V-GeN competition on HWBot). I think this is low bin stick.
  2. Sorry i dont have any, but maybe anyone here testing with B0/B1 PCB so high frequency is not possible with this PCB.
  3. You need to check what PCB do you guys have on the B-Die Dual Rank, you need B2 PCB (equal to A2) for benching with higher frequency above 4600 with 1T.
  4. Hi, im Indonesian, DDR4-4400 is not 4400mhz! Its 2200Mhz. DDR4-4400 is MT/s not mhz. Hopefully everyone will understand this. No offense.
  5. Yes, without ln2 mode. This kit only stable up to 1.97v and 0.94375v vttddr.
  6. M12E 0098 BIOS DDR4 4750 CL14-13 1T TXP 4 PPD 0 Geeekbench 3 Passed, this bios much stronger than previous BIOS.
  7. V-GeN Samsung B-Die A0 PCB is working 4700 CL14-13-13 on M12E ?
  8. Cooler works great, its already working fine now, after clearing cmos & remove 24 pin it applying my settings.
  9. That 80°C photo is on os idling, when loading it even reach 87°C or something. Edited : It looks like its now working, only bios doesnt apply the setting i set in bios. After clear cmos now works!
  10. Hello all, at first i know this is XII Apex thread, but i have XII Extreme and have little issue. With LN2 Mode Enabled, i got 80°C CPU Temp at idle. All voltage set manually already like in this photo. BIOS is latest retail 0607, can we have M12E bios with unlocked dram voltage without ln2 mode? Thanks FYI for Turbo V i can use m12a version on this page without any trouble.
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