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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Similar???

    1670/2000 is similar to 1735/1955???

    there are NOTHING similar... CPU clocks/voltages different ... RAM timings different... SSDs different ... cards different ALL different.

    But if you can tell me how can someone set more than 2400 Mhz at X79 GD65 (same board from MOA 2012)...I will appreciate so much.

    If I ran 1.59V and he used "close" voltage... what it means??? (I believe 99% of the Sandy E also use SIMILAR voltages)...


    I will tell you what is similar...

    This is similar to MOA 2012... when people doubt gnidaol and me could have 2 cards and get scores enough to qualifier to MOA finals.





    Even nobody could prove nothing, because there were nothing to prove, we were forced to bench again...in Live Stream... spend time and money to win 2 times (second in a live stream followed by Hwbot also MSI).

    So... he proved he can do it...


    I recommend you read the post above.... just a tip.


    Good job Iuri ;) ... I feel happy the mods worked well.


    So... please... do not start to bug.


    I see now that you are both using the same gear from last year's MOA, but iirc the ram they specced were a Kingston 2400 c11, which both of you are not using.


    Where did I even mention vga clocks being similar? No bugging here buddy just posting noticeable things from your screens.


    Regardless, those scores are monster and I know a lot of hard work, time and money went in to them, so congratulations.

  2. HD7000 series have an issue with BCLK and gen3 mode because of the AMD pcie controller afaik.


    On the 7970 it's usually hit and miss with bclk over 103MHz - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Can you fix pcie to gen2 qnd use that instead? Doubt the card needs gen3 anyway :D



    Did not seem to make a difference:(

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