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Posts posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Lol massman


    I decided to erase that post about an hour ago, you sat there for an hour with my post in the quote wondering what to say? :D i feel honored. Their Z77 boards VRMs ran like crap BTW you failed to notice they make up CPUz readings with those boards, funny thing is their Z87 boards will do the same! But the Z77 OCF and the two new OCF all use the digital PWM(the ones left over from when asus was sharing).


    No I just started to reply and then I . . . . actually started benching:D





    Maybe time to start doing some more of that:)

  2. no i suspect them goofing with the non conductive liquid stuff they use in watercooling loops. I mean look at the VRM in the video it looks like it has grease on it, otherwise their conformal coat isn't even:


    Also how are the fan connectors insulated? How about the molex at the bottom? I know for a fact fan headers can short and cause a blow up.


    BTW i can just watch massman bench if i want to see only papaer towels used lol. The issue becomes when you defrost, it has never beening being cold. Only when the PCb temperature rises above ambient.


    you can understand my hesitation to trust asrock after: de-humidifier function, false lower CPUz readings/overvolting, advertising digital PWM with an analog one, and producing boards with one philosophy: reduce production costs as low as possible to benefit the company rather than the consumer. I mean the last one is fine and all, but I am an american with a brain, I care about quality of my products.


    I believe it when I see it, so two weeks splave, we got a date :D salt water will work just fine. water isn't conductive until it is ionized, salt water is filled with ions.


    Troll much?


    Fan headers blowing up personal experience there bud? Seems as though you may be doing a bit to much back seat driving, and watching from the sidelines instead of actual overclocking.


    Usually when I defrost the session is done, so who cares about water when thawing, you just let it sit for a few hours and you are ready to go again, not even sure why this was mentioned.


    As for the de humidifier option, I have seen this in the bios but since I am actually overclocking I don't really bother with it, as it does not help max clocks, not even for bclk world records:p All of the retail boards I have had have solid readings for vdimm and vcore and others can verify so maybe check your dmm.


    As for the false advertising about digital vs analog, I can agree but when it runs better than most other vendor's digital PWM how can you argue?


    And tell me how any of these vendors have any interest in what is good for America or the American economy? Where do you think all of this money is going? Back in circulation in the US economy? Come on your smarter than that. As a corporation their best interest is in increasing profits, not what is best for the consumer and that is every company, not just Asrock so moot point imho.


    And to err on the side of caution, I would still insulate the motherboard on top of the conformal just to be safe, and really pouring cola or deionized water? How about just benching the board and posting some results good or bad? I am sure we (the users) will figure out if this is marketing at it's finest or an actual good idea.


    I know you have lots of hate for any vendor other than Gigabyte and that is ok with me, but I usually like to choose whoever has the fastest, easiest to bench boards (with proper bios support) regardless of brand so if everything is dialed on the Gigabyte like I keep hearing you will see me benching a Z87 OC X.

  3. hi guys,

    first time for me, running a single stage.

    it runs perfectly, but coretemp shows positive temperatures in Windows. ..it's more than positive!

    the evap has minus 50 degrees and the cpu at just 4.5 ghz and 1.26 volts 30 degrees plus through coretemp...this can't be true!

    the 3960x is pretested by hazzan and can do 5635@1.585!

    i was able to run 5400 under water...now under ss i have too much problems.

    coretemp shows positive temps. at 5500 load it shows 60 degrees plus, while the evap has minus 46 degrees!

    so i think it's a wrong readout...does anyone have that before, too?

    hazzan said...under 28 degrees minus it's too cold...so if i can believe the evap, I'm too cold, or could it be, that the cpu is so damn hot???


    Do you have a good mount? I would check that and make sure first as that can be a huge issue, but you should be aware that there is a delta between the IHS and the evap head, so expect a variance, though yours does sound a bit high.


    I would remount and then check temps again, my single stage was able to keep my 3960X cool at 5.4 through PCMark 7 with no issue, but Vantage would not run at those clocks.

  4. haaa, I make some test , I try to boot full dimm with PSC and no-way. No-boot or boot @1333 ( set @2400 in bios).

    with only 2 dimm @2600 I can't boot, but my stick are "ready for LN2", so chip are naked and i don't what to increase Vmem, but in same condition (1.65v), on asus board, I can bench 32M @1280. I try to fix it tomorow and lets you know the result


    Painful experience isn't it, knowing your ram can run "x" settings and then fails so hard on the MSI lol.


    Are you on the GD65 or the MPower?

  5. Bios has been requested, but not sure I'll get it.


    Since we're so close to the end of the qualifier, we should maybe keep those bioses for the semi-final?



    Sounds like we may not have a choice, as MSI is not willing to share atm.

  6. Can somebody, if is possible share.


    Cold Slow Bios to GTX 560 Ti 448 and / or HD 7790 to MSI cards




    Any important datasheet information to this cards, will be well appreciated.


    Thanks in advance for all



    So no A Class for you?


    Man your going to make us work for it huh?

    I would like either of these bios to test, so anyone that can please post.

  7. which is the voltage limit on air to this kit?

    i ask because i have too g.skill2133cl8 ...but if set in bios over 1.85v , platform fail to boot , if i set in windows -directly shutdown ..

    i will try in weekend this kit on LN2, maybe with cold the voltage limit increase over 2v...i hope:)


    Did not try more than 1.9v on air, as that was enough to run 2600 8-11-7-22 with everything else tight.


    Only thing I have to say about BBSE binning is they probably all need to be tested under cold, which sucks because it is a lot of time and work.

  8. Sam's BBSE under cold:)








    brix shat:p




    This kit is good for 2600 on air, but it seems that it does not like voltage, all the above was done with 1.9v as more would cause it to fail quicker. Also dimm temps needed to be at -85c to -100c as much more would cause it to fail. I am starting to think some dimms do not like the extreme cold, and once again, bad on air = good on cold, and good on air = bad on cold. This kit would not do 2600 c7 or c6 at any volts.


    I corrupted Windows more times in this session as setting anything => 2.0v was insta corrupt and reinstall.


    Still have the black PCB to test:D

  9. After some more testing I found out the cpu was to blame. Much above 1.63 Vcore causes the black screen shutdowns. Very weird, but another cpu is ok with 1.70 so this 3570k simply is shit for extreme OC :(


    Have you tried it in another board to verify this behavior?

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