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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. it seems as though 5.6-6.0 might be 32m stable, I can't believe the BCLK/QPI clocks, very nice job SamOCX
  2. UD9 $699.99 @ Newegg H55N $104 @ ewiz
  3. Well I was actually going to end up getting a pot from Vince, however I was waiting until he released a new pot which is supposedly coming very soon but I just bit the bullet and figured now is a good as time any especially since the contest was going on. I figured out to have a chance at winning I am going to need some dice and probably LN2 and for the first stage I am going to have to go buy an i7 860/870/875k. I need some recommendations for a digital thermometer (fluke, UEI) and other hardware that might be needed for dice, I realize for LN2 I will have to find a dewar and I am going to look locally first. As for the UD9. . . I could buy six H55N's and still have some change for the same price:D
  4. ordered a few new parts. . .
  5. very nice buddy, proper way to represent Texas, know go destroy some 2D with that beast.
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