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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. VRM on HERO isn't the same as on M6E. I mean it doesn't have "fully manual mode", so old QE6S cpus will stuck as on MSI/GB boards (too low vcore for ln2 to max those chips). Fully manual mode means no vdroop on each voltage. From Asus boards only M6E, Gene, Impact and Deluxe support it. Just 2 cents ;)


    Very nice work overall :) thx for sharing

  2. Well done XA not sure how that applies to this result??


    Just trying to get my hwbot achievement done ;)




    Seriously, really nice CPU and great result, I am jealous about it ;) CPU doesn't scale with more V?




    So far I am binning the worst retail Haswell ever :D


    Found so far 4.7 GHz @ 1.7v W/C to boot into BIOS. 4.8 GHz to boot into BIOS is no go without subzero :D



    So how many CPUs have you killed so far by installing the OS or simply increasing the multiplier at safe voltage?


    ES died during checking CB, died... let's say in 75%. It appears to work and clock with core 0 only :D With more cores... doesn't enter OS... no matter voltages


    1x retail died stock @ OS installing


    1x retail died SS trying to push SuperPI ;] But voltages were 1,65-1.7v @ 5.2 GHz (crappy chip)

  4. I don't think it's so easy for me to take video with requirements above, because just after finishing the run we have to do a lot of things especially with Haswell, I mean its CB thing.

    Pouring LN2 to keep both temps of CPU and GPU as well as taking SS and virification process...

    I usually do bench alone at night. So it's difficult to ask my friends to take Videos until midnight.

    What shall I do??


    Yap, that's what I was taking about, it can be for ocer a fail taking videos, cause what is now more important? OC or recording. I also mostly bench at night ;)


    *I am aware that there is no good way to verify but it's MSI's problem, not overclocker's


    to MSI/HWBOT please remember that this year THERE ARE NO TEAMS so asking a friend for a help and so on is inappropriate and may be insult...

  5. and you had all the info you needed in the futuremark link, now that there is a rule outside the screenshot is what makes it tricky


    Yes, futuremark link has vendors ID which can't be faked. But rig picture also is some kind of confirmation that user didn't simply "buy" result from someone.

  6. OMG

    I only comproved that the winner of MOA EMEA did not show his rig after hardmodding, and the score was accepted

    Nobody here can prove what hardware was used, and nobody complained.

    That rules was not created by me, and I do not consider the winner did cheat, but if there are the rules, this score could not be valid.


    The score is not compatible with the pic of the rig......



    So far picture rig was only to show that vendor's hw was used (in MSI contest - MSI parts) and so on. There was nothing that picture has to be taken during benchmarking, or before or after, with all isolation, vmods and so on. Everything is valid with rules.

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