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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Wooo thanks massman. The use only haswell thing is cool. I like the format.


    Xtreme addict. What changed that wasn't there before? I know rules should not be changed but it didnnnt.


    Cool thing about haswel is even if its worse than es the playing field will still be even


    I mean that 1st Qualifier round got tickets + 3x board prizes after whining of some guys like me :D

  2. Okay, the semi-final details were discussed today. This thread was taken into the discussion, as well as feedback from the marketing team (those who pay) and other overclockers. The final announcement is going to come later this week, but here is the digest:


    Class A


    - Titan allowed (just needs MSI bios ~ aocc rule)

    - Haswell (Z87) only

    - Retail only, of course

    - Same benchmarks as qualifier


    Note: Top-3 Regional Non-Winners (for each region) will get a Z87 board to use in the semi-final and there are also three lucky draws. So for AM and APAC, that's places 2-4 and for EMEA places 3-5 who are getting a Z87 board.


    Class B


    - same hardware (no haswell)

    - new benchmarks: 3dmark03, Wprime1024M, Vantage


    There will be a new competition background for this competition.


    Nice about 3 boards per region, I thought it will be 3 boards total (one per qualifier region) :)


    The idea of Vivi was totally understandable but rules were changed before competition per ocers request, during competition it's not healthy to change rules, so MSI chose the best option in my opinion. Everyone knew rules before taking part into competition ;)

  3. When there was PRO League with old rules... it was easy clear, everyone could bench what he liked, when he could/want, it was a "show" of real power, ES, 4-Way setups and so on. No one cared if HW was ES, specially designed in few copies, unavailable and so on. It was okay, because it was only "for ourselves".


    PRO Cup is a new form, it's a COMPETITION, where there are supposed to be prizes in future (or maybe even this edition), where vendors were supposed to sponsor teams and this league in theory should bring new blood in this race, cause:


    A) sponsoring

    B) prizes


    I don't see sponsoring and I don't see this new format "working" for new blood, I see the opposite. Maybe we need time, and I want to give it time, but if we are supposed to race, only with some chances. Of course we are all aware that there are ocers who can bin 200-500 cpus for free, and I say "good for them! :)", I am jealous because I would also like to have such option, but it's okay for me cause if they bin retails, there is always a tiny chance that I can buy this one box retail and it can be better than those 500 tested. Luck still is a big part of game. Vmods and software aren't big problem, cause if someone need those, he has to ask a good person only, and someone will share or give contacts to vendors to get those information. The problem is hw like ES samples, which can't be bought officially and in fact even on ebay it's hard to get ES Haswell now. I am only waiting to see some proves that retails can match ES and then I can race even against ES cpus, but I am too afraid of GT A0 situation.


    So if PRO CUP is going to be unavailable for old normal users who try to fight top... it's pointless because sooner we will simply decide to go back to XOC. Really, in this shape now, I don't see ANY new blood coming into it. Maybe it's better to restore old PRO LEAGUE, where ES cpus weren't so big problem cause it was more about personal goal and "art", not competition... with restrictions and rules.


    I am still waiting to see some screens/movies with those magical 6.5-6.7 GHz retails... :D

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