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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. The problem is - if we can count epower the same rules as GPUs, CPUs and so on. In my opinion it can't be - cause the is no way of validating it. Second thing - it's hardmod. Can we ban hardmods?


    Those rules also don't apply to monitors, keyboards, PSU, memories...

  2. I think that MSI overestimated few things, they thought that everyone has Epower, that those who "choose A class" have Epowers, Lightnings 7970 (for 1st stage), Titans. For others with limited budget is "class B". Also the idea of qualifier and semifinal - too much hw needed which has to be handled by one overclocker, not a team this time. And "class B" isn't attractive cause it has too low amount of tickets. I think that now there is no possibility to change it without hurting someone. MSI gained experience to create better rules in future, most reasonable stages and better choice of hardware :)

  3. Agree that availability of Epower 2.0 doesn't exist now. From few months we hear only "soon, very soon". There are some updates - cause it's listed on EVGA website now. So it will be available! But it's possible that after MOA competition...


    I wrote to MSI few times to create their own epowers. I really don't understand why they didn't do it. They have resources. MSI is bigger company than EVGA, and they would have purpose - they want WRs during MOA, so they could create it. I can understand why GB is making their own "G-powers 2.0" only for Hicookie and Team AU, cause GB VGA department is "different" company, they don't support overclocking, no samples, they don't sponsor HWBOT and so on, even during GB contests all brands of VGA are allowed. But MSI has global MOA and wants/needs WRs.


    What is the sense and point of MOA? I think all the time, that such contest is a place for most skilled ocers, for which zombie isn't a big problem. I am not talking about the problem of $ now. Only about idea. I know that OC developed, that from few years we don't mod boards, sometimes even don't mod VGAs with trimpots. But if hardmods like epowers help - ocers should do them, cause it's the definition of extreme oc - to go beyond limits. So the real problems is lack of skills/availability, if MSI would have provided own epowers, it would be the best solution.


    I am always against changing rules. Few guys bought Titans to mod them for AOOC/MOA cause from the beginning it was clear that Titan is allowed. What about the guys who have already bought and modded titan? What if they did it with hard way (destroying NCP controller with dremel?) and card without Epower can be thrown away? Maybe zombie 2900XT can be used? But than - what's the difference.


    Second question is that - how it will be verified? If someone will simply set limit value? Like 1450 GPU - more is Epower. Or maybe participants will have to bench recording everything to a video file with good resolution?


    I understand why MSI is thinking of changing rules - some feedback, also "marketing EVGA brand" okay. They wanted WRs, so they should "forecast" it and prepare some own zombie modules, but not changing rules during the competition.


    I am aware that there is no good option now. Hope MSI will find a solution. Now we have dilemma. Changing rules during competition - always bad (I am aware that stage is not launched yet, but Semi Final and hw for it was planned from the beginning). Changing rules for sure will make many ocers happy (ban Epower for those who can't buy it now), but others will be unhappy and they have already spent $ - also bad, even more, cause they spent $. Changing rules to ban Titan - very bad, cause most of guys have Titan now, with epower or without.


    The best option would be if MSI could sell/provide to everyone their own epower. I know that there would be still argument that HW is expensive (Titan), but it was known from the beginning so everyone who entered the contest was aware of it.


    I hope that MOA will be a success. But this edition is a bit bad. MOA 2012 was very good, everyone agreed. There were some only minor problems like ABX and so on, but those were successfully solved with HWBOT - MSI. This edition, is one big mystery and a lot of whining, but many arguments are valid :(





    I am so happy that I have my ticket for final, cause now starts soap opera :D

  4. hey mass!


    Can we add that people atleast make a CPU-Z valid for 32m and cinebench runs? Cause we've tested 6 retails and the only ES we have is way better, so just scared people will get desperate for MOA ticket and use ES cpu's and just edit it out of the screenshot



  5. Don't worry :D I am trolling MSI HQ about it, they are aware of AOOC dates and also agreed with me, that overclockers will need a small rest after AOOC (some of us will extend stay a bit I suppose and so on), so I think they will do MOA 20.10+

  6. We all know there is a difference between "how we think" and "how upper management" thinks. Bringing a team mate is, just like live contest, much better for the community ... we all know that. But numbers are more important for those who make the decisions (and have the $$).


    Obviously the structure of this year's competition was more "number-friendly" than before. Numbers serve their purpose :D




    Heh, you working for FM now? Sure ... 1500 participating overclockers :D


    on HWBOT is around 40K users if I remember correctly from interview :D so 1500 overclockers and some casual 24/7 MSI parts runners sounds possible lol but seriously speaking it's a lol ;)




    I know, the decision don't belong to Hwbot, but I need to know the finals date.

    I ask kindly to HWBot contact MSi, to determine the date of the final.

    I need to schedule appointments and unfortunately I can not leave my job if I don't inform in advance.

    Another important thing in favor to this, is that the tickets purchased in advance, are cheaper, so if MSI inform fast, will also be better for them.


    I appreciate the attention.




    No date yet :( But it will be after AOOC for sure

  7. In my pov some ppl are taking only half of brain or even less for competitions so how you want count them?


    I am not referring to you or Joanna. I am simply counting that some of potencial participants of MOA 2012 would take +1 person, who is not an overclocker (and by overclocker I mean someone who doesn't have account on any computer forum/hwbot, doesn't overclock by himself (even for 24/7), probably can't even build a computer like wife, girlfriend, good friend - honestly speaking some ln2 waitress who isn't potencial MSI client, MSI can't use his "work" for marketing purposes). I am referring only to MSI PR point of view, sure for MSI MOA is also fun, but the most important aspect is marketing cause even with this limited edition, still some serious money are involved. That's why entries shouldn't be counted x2 but with lower ratio to create statistics of MOA 2012.

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