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DDC last won the day on October 27 2021

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  1. Still looking for: Socket 775 -> 478 adapter (PCTA-01) Qimonda memory Gigabyte GA-5AX rev 5.2 Or other nice socket 7 board
  2. Also not always getting it, although I think one is a bug. Reference Frequency overclocking records @ HWBOT
  3. Use to have the same kind of setup with a stupidly thin piece of plywood, gonna look if I can find a picture!
  4. People who wanna activate it can use this: setfsb keygen, use a online HTML IDE to use it - Pastebin.com It uses the Username of Windows. "Administrator" is blacklisted so you need to make a new user. Or use this one: Make Windows Account: HWBot Your ID is 658197868 Your activation key is 1538847232
  5. Linked the wrong score. Correct score is here, can't edit the score https://valid.x86.fr/dzybx3
  6. Still looking for: Socket 775 -> 478 adapter (PCTA-01) Qimonda memory Gigabyte GA-5AX
  7. DDC

    Sdram 200MHz+ cl2

    Try to contact the seller a few months ago still no reply so don't know whats up there
  8. @4n0nym0u5b3nch3r Sorry sorry, you have a message ;) @ludek Chipset has some more potential, got it to 210Mhz, think main issue is the stock voltage now https://hwbot.org/submission/4422647_
  9. Added a ASRock Fatal1ty P67 Professional (B3)
  10. Got this board in a lot sale. Not planning on doing anything with it. Looking for 120 euro Xeon W3565 as socket protector
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