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Everything posted by safedisk

  1. C8I AGESA PATCH B 0015 BIOS only change LN2 enable, retry button will keep last value. if set at 101MHz. press retry button will keep 101MHz, won’t return to 100MHz and then go up to 101MHz. https://bit.ly/2PLDhJL
  2. https://hwbot.org/submission/4266458_ CROSSHAIR VIII IMPACT 0050 BIOS MEMORY CLOCK 6054 WORLD RECORD!
  3. I tested 0050 bios. no cb. Very good for me nice bios. If you stop at -150 to -180 temp code cc, press reset button 2~5 try.
  4. It's not a virus. I think it's an error in Google Drive. But I modified the download URL. Thanks
  5. Official BIOS ROG Rampage VI Extreme Encore 0401 Bios Download : https://bit.ly/2OqWWOq OCPACK TurboV, MemTweakIt, OCPACK : https://bit.ly/2Ov7Br4 TurboV W7 : https://bit.ly/2LNcIBg (Windows7 use turbov old version.) USB Flashback LN2 OC TIP Same as SKX, Enable ln2 mode, load ln2 profile, adjust volt and ratios accordingly. NOTE: Default SATA mode is RAID mode so to boot into an AHCI Drive you need to switch to AHCI under PCH storage config low core profile (10core or 12core or 14core) high core profile (16core or 18core) Big pots should be used for good temp control. Typically, Coldbug temp is -100c ~ -110c cpu voltage and cache voltage depend on cpu (etc 1.45 ~ 1.55) As with SKX, at -80c plus high mem freq like 4000, manually tune DQS and uncore voltage offset, whether its hard lock in os or AF/00 at mem training. Set all to And set uncore voltage to +0.25 and start adding uncore v offset from there. If have good memory, 4000MHz 12 11 11 is very easy. OCTOOL Skewed voltage sets the specified voltage to the worst core and slightly lesser voltage to the better ones to minimize heat. Skew ratio drops a certain percent of the worst cores to a lower ratio than the one specified while better ones remain at the specified ratio Ratio hot key to hot key a ratio to apply, click start when ready change the worst core voltage and percentage. (Depends on cpu) change the cpu speed using hotkeys (ALT + A , ALT + B, ALT + C) Enjoy!
  6. Non WiFi Hero bios Upload You can download
  7. I have confirmed this problem. i will fix the link soon. sorry
  8. GEEK3 and Hwbot 4k tip The fclk clock is very important for the above two benchmarks. must change the fclk clock and the cpu clock to find the highest clock value that can be run. fclk The higher the clock, the lower the cb temperature. good luck
  9. Thanks. Bro geek3 and hwbot 4k are very difficult.
  10. thanks! I have not tried OC in the C7 series yet. haha
  11. FlanK3r : Yes, ROG Borad again first place!
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