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Everything posted by wytiwx

  1. To TAPAKAH: By now, I have tested about...150 chips maybe.
  2. To MAJID OC: Promising batches of China Chip I know are 5634B and 5625B, just like what the other guys found. Good batch is hopeful but not everything, Sam know it well Mobo, CPU Stepping, CBB, CB, Temperature, tweaking,... many things. So I can't list the best batch, but if you want to know the bad batches, I can list them.
  3. CYCLONE says: WTF! Gelided? Yep, you get that right. I used GC-Extreme. Nice paste.
  4. To MAJID OC: 5626B304, impressive 352 on air. But maybe C1 stepping does not love high Vcore as D0 stepping.
  5. To TERRARAPTOR: Sorry, my friend...I have no assistant, and I only have a crap camera for picture. I have uploaded some pictures. Wish help.
  6. To TAPAKAH: On air, I only tried this chip two points: boot at 1.25V@5.0G but fail to OS; can go into OS at 1.40V@5.3G. MAX verified Freq. on air did not tested. 5.6G may be.
  7. To MAJID OC: Batch: 3709A270; PCB Code: 2L70757 0A1772. See? Many 7,
  8. Before I found your good batches, I tried about 90pcs. Now I tried less than 10pcs with good batch 5634B and 5625B, still have 4pcs CD 352 to go, . Even if this chip had an FSB wall, 8325MHz(FSB333) is also the freq I dream of. Just wait for me to use a better LN2 pot.
  9. --TAPAKAH says: This chip might be better than the one that took 8.3<br/> What sort of freqs can this do on air? (1.45V)-- En... for now, I have got 8312MHz Validation at 1.924V used CPU-LN2-V2, and I have seen 8322MHz but I failed to save the .cvf file, WTF... This chip can not stand high Vcore, 1.94V is more than enough. So, it is too hot for this chip to get high on air if Vcore>1.4V...Anyway I will get 8322MHz done.
  10. --DHENZJHEN says: you always get the good cellery sir, awesome job me likey -- THX, I get the good cellery because you guys have tried many batches before, it is really work for me.
  11. -- SUBARUWRC says: try it with a real cpu pot ! -- Sigh...I found Koolance CPU-LN2-V2 was sometimes better than F1 Gemini 2.0...I really don't get it.
  12. where can I find the tweak tips? If all the tweak things done, will I get 30000+ points? What is the most important thing in PCMatk Vantage score?
  13. To CHRISTIAN: Hi. Would you please tell me why my PCMark Vantage score is so bad? PCMark Vantage Score: about 27000 CPU: i7 980x@200X25=5.0GHz (QPI 7.2GT/s, Uncore: 4000MHz) MB: X58A-OC (BIOS Version: F5D) RAM: 2GBX3 DDR3 2000MHz 9-9-9-24 VGA: GTX 560 Ti X1 830MHz/1660MHz/4000MHz HDD: Crucial M4 64GB X2 RAID0 (HDD Suite Score: 73000+)
  14. I tried my celly 352 on an old P5E3-Premium, and This mobo have very bad CBB if I use the OV_CPU switch or Vcore >1.7, is this the OVP someting? Who can tell me how to deal with the CBB issue on P5E3-Premium? Thanks
  15. To TAPAKAH: I have no idea about the proper pot, is that the Dragon F1? Now I use the Koolance pot because I have only one pot to use To be honest too, EP35-DS4 is really not a good choice, especially only 4 PCB layers. But this mobo has no CB/CBB for cedarmill suicide validations with any Vcore.I want to know if there was the same thing on P5E3-Premium, but I have no P5E3-Premium.
  16. To OANVOANC: mobo: GA-EP35-DS4 (PCB REV:2.1, BIOS Version:F5)
  17. I have added more details. What the hell happen to my images? It is not so clear.
  18. OK, I will test some air-cooling result with my EP35-DS4 and my Celerons. Please wait to enjoy!
  19. Actually, I tried 35 Celeron chips. But I think I am still lucky. The Batch of my CD 352 is 5647B641. The PCB code of my CD 352 is 3565216&3A2019 The thermal paste I used is almost the worst paste, only 5 RMB/20 gram(0.8 Dollar/20 gram). I think I can get higher freq. if I use better thermal paste. The mobo is not in good condition, because there are only 5 phases for CPU Power supply
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