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Everything posted by sin0822

  1. you don't have access to LN2 SoF?
  2. you should have some faith Sam OCX, you might have to use one.
  3. the BIOSes stasio just posted for GB boards, they fix the quasi boot issues with sandy bridge, both the one wher the board cycles a few times before booting, and the one in which the board says OC failed after 2 restarts in a row. This BIOS fixes both, fixes mouse support for a lot of people, and adds in a few extras. the issues were only on 2600K, 2500K was okay, so if you have Ivy or 2500K this BIOS update might help with mouse compatibility and add named profiles in the BIOS. Cool.
  4. yes blck helps CBB and CB
  5. i bought an 830 i didn't know they came in boxes like that.
  6. forget extreme tuning. Right now please use Easytune6,. it is fully functional as far as I am concerned.
  7. stopping intel? themselves lol.
  8. wow really? Damn man, i didn't know they were that bad! haha thanks.
  9. haha awesome Dino! This commercial is soo cool, i only saw it twice on the TV tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55e-uHQna0
  10. is there ivy that does worse than 6.3ghz on ln2?
  11. lol i can change it back now i think, I am not yet ready to move to turkmenestan. It could be or it could be something like iGPu was disabled on default or something.
  12. idk i tried same under cold with the memory i usually pop in, and it didn't work, perhaps it was something i did wrong i figured it was the cold. Maybe ill test again. lol
  13. I am pretty sure I got lucid working on M3 with F2, but maybe this makes it easier.
  14. sounds good, however all same batch? Maybe batch numbers have some affect now? maybe Intel removed the Sandy Bridge artificial clock walls, maybe just good CPUs! But yea that makes sense 6.3 is pretty much what every CPU I have seen can do under LN2. even my crappy one just surpassed that this weekend. Nice job slamms His speed is over 6.3ghz for what he is showing.
  15. stepping 9 is E1,Stepping 8 E1 is a photoshop lol. From what I have seen BLCk wont limit your OC at all with 3rd gen CPU, i think the boards and the CPUs are better with BCLK than sandy could have ever been. I wonder how much higher I can do with IDE instead of AHCI, well at least I have easytune6 working.
  16. no, the number massman was talking about, now that i think of it i was using AHCi.... Myabe change to IDE. Damn it.
  17. I have one i just did this weekend.
  18. depends on CPU lets say 3rd gen is not limited by blck when it is limited by multi.
  19. I think IMC is better under not subzero or at least can boot higher.
  20. hotel card is very important.
  21. sin0822

    Because I can

    hahahahahahahahaha nice gotta have that 22 behind your name to be pro
  22. when is the last time you see 5.8ghz sandy on normal water coolin?
  23. you are so cool dude
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