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Everything posted by sin0822

  1. maybe you are using the wrong ram slot lol. or it hates your PSU.
  2. NICE! Wow so NDAis up huh lol.. j/k BTW thanks, I know my 800mhz memory OC would impress the masses
  3. haha maybe i should go hide.
  4. Hey mates So Intel is now selling 3770K and 3750K in China, so it is possible to get a CPU, even legally today, you can order one at will!!! Get two maybe three even! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14594583114 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14810392935 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13789237008 I saw andatech post review and i saw a few reviews today. They used ES CPU... THey also say OC is not good on Ivy, but that is no true. i know my skillz are leet
  5. so does the one about preventing MSI from sending OC windforce stuff, lol. Sorry MSI no chipset for you unless you toss this guy off your seeding list, MSI yea right okay.
  6. how can Intel tell him he can't enter gigabyte's or MSI's contest? Is he going to be banned from international travel too?
  7. Hey I love IC7-G still have one going strong in a P4 machine that is 24/7 for the past 5-6 years. Dont diss. And thanks, over 5G was a milestone for me!, its actually a WR in CPU freq for that CPU. I used a Chilly1 SS, i know its not good to say his name, but he was good to me. I was around way before most of you, when i coudl buy a brand new SS that held 250W load at -48C for $300 USD+$100 overnight shipping. It was a prototype first one he sold with a display for temp and a relay. Anyways its bringing back memories for me of good volt mods and love!
  8. the reason it is like that is beucase flank3r posted it as news at XS http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?279367-Christian-Ney-hit-worldrecord-3736-MHz-DDR3-Gskill-RipjawsZ-at-AMD-Llano-!!
  9. nice job flamk3r, i would hate if that happened to me. i feel your pain, someone else gets the credit for you. lol Where did they ever thing flankr is you?
  10. ...people prefer referring to you by your online handle rather than your real name, even in person.
  11. this isn't worth anything in this comp, because there is no room for 865 series LGA775, but this is my ABIT pride!!!! E0 stepping, hell yea!!! haha kind of funny stepping # as we are where we are with technology ATM. Thanks ABIT, you made OCing genuinely exciting!
  12. yea it did that on purpose, that is one thing that i wasn't happy with. The ability not to flash back.
  13. I am just saying tossing a competition in there where there is a bit more chance in it will attract a crowd which is needed for the survival of this sport. It will also take care of those who say they never have a chance There are many types of competitions, i am just suggesting one type.
  14. I was driving home from work today thinking about your question, and i had the same exact thought about scene vs frame and 3DMark.
  15. sin0822

    Congrats Ney

    holy crap man, excellent!
  16. Dude, your program measures FPS as the only if not most major way to get a GPU score. You have issue with FPS, then please by all means, go ahead and find another way to measure GPU performance. That is my issue I have been thinking about, why is there NO other way to measure GPU performance? Anyways not rendering frames the user will never see and making sure the image doesn't' tear, then what is the problem? I don't care if it doesn't render frames i will never see to instead speed up the whole scene. It also does double buffer, technically taking that task away from the GPU. What is the big deal? it isn't just software it is hardware too! Under my impression it is a combo of iGPU buffering the output for the dGPU, and this frame selection. I bet if you put one system with it enabled and one without it enabled, gameplay would be better on the system with it enabled.
  17. At least someone is sponsoring a bulldozer OC event, BD is really fun to OC under LN2!!! My idea for future competitions, first to hit a certain score, that way it doesn't' matter what type of hardware you have! Like set P1035 in 3DMark 11, or P5401 or something and have first person to hit it get the main prize. That is how we did it in the old days for the most part, and it was damn fun! i won a 520W OCZ PSu back in one of those contests, and I didn't have very nice hardware like i do now. But also raise the P score for LN2, and have one air coolers can compete in. Seriously, aim for score isn't as easy as it sounds. Especially if you made it be a certain Physics and GPU score along with it.
  18. sin0822

    New Livestream

    holy crap, $45 a month for you to broadcast?
  19. Yea I am guessing the guys who have the 6GHz CPUs for SB lol I am interested to know who they are too! I goggled(as you do when you have no idea about it) the terms Taiwanese CPU Mafia, and this was one of teh image results: 20000 people attended death of mafia boss in Taiwan, http://forums.vr-zone.com/chit-chatting/647747-20000-attended-taiwanese-mafia-bossas-funeral-procession-aaeeaaaaae-aeaeaeeeoe.html Wow.
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