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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. Interesting find but I can confirm it works. 4790K X437B366 CB11.5 run with 1.5v vcin,1.070v vcore -0.1v vsa at 4500mhz 4c/8t back to back stable going back to normal or +0.00v on VSA and benchmark crashes. LOL lowering it to -0.1v gives stability back. awesome find !
  2. gem chip,keep pushing for pi 1m wr!
  3. need to refill dewar and give it a go. -140cb ftw i hope!
  4. maybe,MAYBE I've found something good. X437B366 4790K 1.025v VID 1.05v 4500mhz wprime32m , hwprime 1.070v 4500mhz cb11.5 1.285v 5000 4c/8t boot 1.275v 5000 4c/8t 32m 1.245v 5000 2c/2t 32m on ambient 26°C- normal aircooling. (Y)
  5. thanks man!
  6. found one super fast so can be deleted.
  7. I'm sorry for your loss bro
  8. that is an ultra rare board I know but its a must for celeron 8ghz clocking as my p5e3 premium just died on me. If you have one,willing to sell,pm me!
  9. still want some good 4770k chip
  10. we just kept on pushing! well deserved result
  11. strange to have such a big gap between xtu and hwbot prime im guessing its need to be delided to have a better contact and heat transfer.xtu needs really good cooling to be stable.
  12. nice. can u share batch of chip pls? tell me not an L310B again.
  13. nice. what is the batch of your chip ?
  14. I think the same..
  15. Nobody wants to sell a good chip I get it only when broadwell will arrive.. but its too late.
  16. Hi there. Im looking for a goood 4770k chip with a batch of L310B487-492 or L311B515 or besides this anything that can do at least 6.5gig 32m or more under ln2. shot me a pm if you have one and want to get rid of. Adam
  17. G3258 sold too! topic can be closed now.
  18. 4770K sold, only G3258 remains up for sale. EU only!
  19. the bigger chip looks promising if you have cb below -120 and a good contact with the pot.
  20. csak 1cpu-d van nem 8db,nem jó listában vagy.
  21. yes that was gooood. once i saw 6.5 but the valid gone. didn't bother to push more I need a better chip ..
  22. L311B288 4670k 1.15v 4.50ghz wprime 1024m 6.4 max valid http://valid.canardpc.com/d85wss cb -141°C cbb - 119°C
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