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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. Im really glad to hear that, and would be really happy to bench with you guys again!
  2. L311B492 5ghz 32m never tested, max clock 6.3gig 4cores 1.9v cb - 128C imc is average, the ihs is bad, only contact on the outer side
  3. congrats ! great effort there guys !
  4. sick cpu. Middle name, Haswell eater.
  5. no problem it is good for begining. my first ln2 benching was weak too, board froze in 15 mins lol. I see you at least not pumped 2v in that cpu for the first time which is good. It seems you have the skill to feel when to stop. It is good. Next time, make a proper contact with the cpu ( cross tighten the screews of your pot, hard enough that you cant twist the pot with force ) use a good thermal paste, pull down to -190°C on the pot then you can go for 6600mhz im sure.
  6. this is not so good compared to the air results of this batch. take care of your mount and chip and try again. lower temps ? what temps were you at? at 105+ bclk you should go for full pot
  7. thank you man ! I felt like the cpu just kept scaling as i pumped the voltage in it but the board topped at 2.075v ... maybe at 2.12-13v real I could get closer to the existing record..
  8. http://valid.canardpc.com/2890253 on all cores
  9. Ln2 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2887397 benchable at 5.7-5.8 max with 1.85v + ..
  10. aww fuck, 1.235v 5ghz cpu died at 1.74v ? sorry for your loss bro.
  11. if that is the latest,then yes. this is not that big deal. just use the latest, if it is for everyday use then that is the best. if you plan to do extreme overclocking sessions maybe there is slightly better ones for a single purpose but i think its not the case here.
  12. aww man now that is a cpu !
  13. this one needs it. 6000mhz validation requires 1.79v ..
  14. well my cpu had a quite good delta between the thermometer readout and realtemp monitoring ( 20C delta ) so this -115c -120c coldbug is about -95-100C coldbug on the cores or the vrm, LOL it hurts ...
  15. benching this shit right now 6.2 valid 1.87v 5.8 32m barely with 1.87v -115c cb awwwyeah
  16. is that normal that i have close to 0 bclk increasing margin ? lets say, a 4670k qe6v es cpu, z87x-oc board with x01 bios, a radeon hd5770 on the 4th pcie slot with forced x4 bandwith, and i cant even increase 2bclk in windows without freezing. any hints on this ? memory is a 8gb kit of 2400 c11 adata gaming series with xmp profile enabled. neither the oc buttons nor the gtl works. i think im missing some settings. thanks in advance.
  17. thanks man this chip got a real good imc i think, 4.7gig easy boot with 1.3v vring, not bench stable though.. 4600/4600 / 2400 c6 1.24v/1.3v/1.88v is superpi 4m stable. tomorrow further memory testing then hopefully ln2 sessions on friday and saturday. it feels like a good chip to me. L251A899 very early batch .. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2877862 nearly forgot this,with updated X01 bios and properly working oc buttons on the z87x-oc board. 5.1gig valid almost succeed,but not, soo 5gig is possible with lower voltage.
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