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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Yeah the power supply of this card is the greatest joke by Nvidia ever:D Btw, nice score;)
  2. I know this, thats the same Massman told me this year;) But Sandy-E is also an actually Platform:D
  3. Lets wait for Massman;) He told me not long ago im not allowed to use ES:D
  4. Its ruled;) I asked Massman this year about using ES in OC League, because i get an 980X ES. Thats allowed, because its no actuall Platform;)
  5. Yeah, thats in the rules for OC League and Enthusiast;) You can use there only ES on older Platforms, like 1366;)
  6. Tiborr is right;) ES isnt allowed on actually Platforms, only in Pro League;)So change to Pro, or remove this sub and all your others with ES;)
  7. And thats the Point why we also wont no Award Fabrik Members on our Sessions:D The only loyal guy of u is Maggus;)
  8. Really good:D Ok, i take it, just think about the Priece:)2800 IMC too i saw:D And we can handle in Euro, Belgium has Euro too:p
  9. Nice, with the right driver you will get much more points;)
  10. http://www.HWBOT.org/submission/2325364_gamer_aquamark_radeon_hd_7970_525641_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2331402_gamer_wprime___32m_core_i7_3770k_3sec_484ms Is it this chip too?
  11. Looking good:) How much can the chip run 4c/8t in Vantage? And well, you offered the chip, so please say an price:D http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2325364_gamer_aquamark_radeon_hd_7970_525641_marks Is it this chip too?
  12. Ok, havent realized this:D I only set 1050 and run Aquamark and 3DM01, havent tested other benches;)
  13. What infos to you need:) There was no clock limit, and clocks above 1000 Core have been set without Problems;) http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2377948_moose83_aquamark_geforce_gtx_580_509541_marks
  14. Im searching for an good 3770K, the Chip should able to run 3D with 6.6GHz.
  15. Mh, i used GTX580 yesterday with 314.22, and had no 999 Core limit;)
  16. Yeah you are right, my Video was at my home:D Didnt notice that i must have a lot of people watching me;)
  17. When u sell the 3770k allone, im interested;)
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