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Everything posted by kicsipapucs

  1. Beautiful rig, love the syspic. Congrats on the hwfp!
  2. 6.3 chilled on the CPU, I love it! What if you put the GPU on chiller too?
  3. Possible to make login an overlay again and not a separate whole page? Also doable to not redirect to main page every logon and remember the page I was on? Also anything can be done with logoff every 100 ms? It is super annoying, no other site I use log me off nearly as fast as hwbot.
  4. I'd recommend Rubik for the whole site.
  5. Unfinished, half ready front end, whole site looks like a fallen apart css website off of wayback.archive.org. Font looks outdated, on profiles first whole fold is taken up by huge boxes (half of them are empty white space boxes, eg.: achievements) that previously used 1/4 this much of space. Cannot see scores, subs, hw until the second page. Font sizes, textbox ratios are wrong. On main page news have distorted placeholder bot images, super unengaging, who is gonna click on a virus looking link to see actual world records with new platform? Same for submissions, huge space taken up by half empty boxes, have to scroll down to see hw details.
  6. Single handedly massacred the 12600HX market. Appreciate the syspic!
  7. Please, put up a syspic for us nerds. :(
  8. 6.998 when? So close to Roman's absolute best. Congrats.
  9. Really like the CPU choice here. Also, highest LGA1700 i3 score, great!
  10. Good to see Haswell getting some love, way more interesting than 14th gen bs.
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