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NorySS last won the day on December 16 2021

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About NorySS

  • Birthday April 21


  • Location
    Miami, FL

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  1. So i'm on a 13900K and X4b bios. And I'm getting great results with a-die ocing. but for some reason, if i enter cpu VDD / cpu VDDq, i cannot get it to boot with manual voltage settings. but If i leave it on auto, i've gotten the board to boot up to 8266. Auto voltages are being reported as CPU_VDD 1.45v , CPU_VDDQ 1.40v in hwinfo. IF i try to key in those same values, or a little higher, it fails to train. what am I missing guys? got this sweet score in the mean time. https://hwbot.org/submission/5109747_noryss_y_cruncher___pi_1b_core_i9_13900k_16sec_583ms
  2. I’m sorry, my reading comprehension skills were turned off. Here are the pics of mine.
  3. you can cleary see them in his pictures. Also +1 for a reputable seller.
  4. NorySS

    FS: Intel 12900K

  5. NorySS

    FS: Intel 12900K

    check ur MESSENGER
  6. NorySS

    FS: Intel 12900K

    BTW this is an endorsement for the seller
  7. still hitting a wall above 4133 with that bios
  8. riddle me this bad man. how the heck do you tunr off the all this rgb on this board. when i try to enter into the bios setting, it says 'cant communicate with LED device' and asrock polychrome software doesnt seem to do anything either?
  9. just got mine, lets go! @Splave
  10. this is so cute. i think this means i can play.
  11. Gracias!
  12. I don't think it's degration, I think it's something else. At least my situation of being able to pass 3866 MHz. I always get past training and then I get stuck on code 26. I have 2 other 9900ks which can do 4k+ memory, just to rule out the cpu factor.
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